UMD TIER-3 EXPERIENCES Malina Kirn October 23, 2008 UMD T3 experiences 1
What are your service needs? Basic cluster: Submit Condor jobs to cluster Submit CRAB jobs to grid Run CMSSW Download data registered in DBS (PhEDEx & srm client) Computing element: Service CRAB production jobs Storage element: Service all CRAB jobs October 23, UMD T3 experiences
UMD cluster basics October 23, 2008 UMD T3 experiences 3 Configuration Configuration 1 HN, 8 WNs, ~9TB disk array HN = Rocks HN, CE & SE (obviously not scalable) WNs = 7 interactive WNs + 1 PhEDEx WN Disk array RAID-6, xfs, logical volume, network mounted from HN (direct attached storage) Cluster management: RocksRocks Free, with software rolls such as Ganglia, Condor “Clean reinstall” model for WN management Network All nodes have internal and external network connections Scalable, but some view as risky
gLite-UI & CRAB gLite-UI (EDG utils) somewhat necessary for CRAB CRAB now offers CrabServer, which does not have to be installed at your site (direct users to set server_name=bari in crab.cfg)CrabServer gLite-UI cannot be installed on a Rocks HN, probably not on OSG CE or SE gLite-UI configuration is a challenge, work from example (not the template) example Links: gLite-UI: 1, 2, 3, YAIM YAIM CRAB CRAB October 23, UMD T3 experiences
CMSSW Can have CMSSW versions automatically installed and removed via OSG utilities. ‘Production releases’ of CMSSW Bockjoo KimBockjoo Kim Alternatively, manually install, create link named /cmssoft/cms & edit /etc/grid3-locations.txt Frontier DB queries require Squid web proxySquid web proxy Support for CRAB jobs requires site-local-config.xml & storage.xml (examples)site-local-config.xml & storage.xmlexamples October 23, UMD T3 experiences
site planning October 23, UMD T3 experiences
BeStMan storage element (SE) Lightweight, easy to install, configure, and use Will manage files for you or provide a gateway to your existing file system OSG also supports BeStMan on top of XrootdFS (requires two additional nodes, minimum) OSG guide for BeStMan on XrootdFS is coming out, OSG guide for just BeStMan (you will want to set your own configuration options)OSG guide for just BeStMan configuration Getting to work with FNAL srm-client requires using special tags in calls or editing $SRM_CONFIG webservice_path=srm/v2/server (.wsdl?) access_latency=ONLINE pushmode=true October 23, UMD T3 experiences
Monitoring October 23, 2008 UMD T3 experiences 8 Ganglia for cluster monitoring, comes with Rocks RSV for OSG monitoring, comes with OSG RSV We don’t use SAM Tests CMS-specific details, very nice! We use CRAB. Enables participation in official production SAM tests for BeStMan SEs under development
PhEDEx You will probably want a “PhEDEx node” in addition to your OSG CE & SE node(s) Transfer public DBS data to or from your site To site: does not require SE To site & shown as host in DBS: requires SE From site: requires dCache SE or a special PhEDEx client just for you at the receiving site PhEDEx can run atop gLite-UI gLite-UI required for advanced protocols Otherwise uses srm Also requires storage.xml, which can be different from CMSSW’s October 23, UMD T3 experiences
Tricks October 23, 2008 UMD T3 experiences 10 Always back up your OSG installation before any upgrade! pacman allow easy rollback of software from backup. Use cp -p : permissions in OSG directory are important Use soft links on your first install, then you can move it around for upgrades and fixes Set shell for grid users to /bin/true Deter brute-force ssh attacks (we use DenyHosts)DenyHosts Keep a detailed log Write a user guideuser guide Train admin backup OSG CMS Tier-3 hypernews to get help OSG CMS Tier-3 hypernews