10cM - Linkage Mapping Set v2 ABI Median intermarker distance: 4.7 Mb Mean intermarker distance: 5.6 Mb Mean genetic gap distance: 8.9 cM Average Heterozygosity 0.76 Genome Coverage: 400 Microsatellite markers Blue = STR from CIDR panel Black = Gaps Dec 2002 Golden Path
Genome Coverage: 11,555 SNPs 10K SNP Array - Affymetrix Median intermarker distance: 105 kb Mean intermarker distance: 210 kb Mean genetic gap distance: 0.32 cM Average Heterozygosity 0.37 Red = at least 1 SNP per 100 kb Black = Gaps Dec 2002 Golden Path
Mapping Array Applications Genetic Linkage Loss of Heterozygosity Genetic Epidemiology Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping Association (100K & 500K) DNA Copy Number Determination
Candidate-gene VS whole-genome SNP association studies
Factors to be considered Marker informativeness - allele frequencies Distance between adjacent SNPs Location with respect to exons or regulatory elements Non-coding or coding Local linkage disequilibrium Haplotype tagging SNPs
HapMap Project