AO188/LGS Status and Schedule 1 Yutaka Hayano January 31, 2008
Contents Subaru AO188/LGS overview Performance evaluation Status and Schedule 2
Upgrade from AO36 to AO188/LGS 3 AO36LGSAO188 FocusCassegrainNasmyth WFSCurvature WFS BandK-band1 – 5 mm Limiting mag of GS13~16 (NGS)13 ~ 16 (NGS mode) 17 ~ 19 ( LGS mode ) LGSNo> 4W SFG mag Strehl ratio ( NGS) ( LGS) Sky K~1%> 50 % FOV of WFS2’2.7’
System layout 4 Instruments IRCS (HiCIAO) (Kyoto 3DII)
AO188/NGS First Light 5 IRCS 52mas camera 53” x 53” 20mas FOV October 2006
FWHM 6 K-band V=9.2 guide star
Strehl Ratio 7 K-band V=9.2 guide star Seeing
Encircled Energy 8 Seeing J z H K L’ M’
System upgrade from the first light configuration 9 Optics New components. (AOIMR, BS, etc.) Upgrade components. (AO Calibration source, Acquisition Unit etc.) Electronics New electronics for new components. Minor upgrade. Cabling. Software Re-configuration Minor upgrade. New software for new components. Others Cover, cooling system, AO/IRCS transfer mechanism.
New/Upgrade items on AO optical bench 10 Image rotator ADC HiCIAO I/F F-conversion Low-order WFS AU2 AO Calibration Light source High-order WFS DM Off-axis Parabola Off-axis Parabola AU1 BS1BS2 Flat mirror Flat mirror
Current status 11 Cleared up AO optical bench AO calibration light source unit
Schedule and Milestones First light Design Manufacture Assembly AO188 assembly/Hilo Test Summit Transportation AOCAL HOWFS IMR LOWFS AOCAL/HOWFS/IMR LOWFS Summit Test/Eng Obs Risk shared open use (NGS) Laser launch test/LGS test Risk shared open use (LGS) Second light (NGS) April - May 6/5 7/19 S08B S09A 5/12
Risk-shared open use (S08B) 13 Limited number of nights, proposals. (~ 10 nights, ~ 5 proposals) Use sidereal natural guide star. IRCS. (imaging, spectroscopy) Required functionality Acquisition Unit (AU) can acquires a sidereal guide star. AU can shifts the AO point. (dithering) Wavefront correction in feedback control. AOIMR can compensate the image rotation. System startup and shutdown. Individual check system for each component.