K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Smart Focal Plane Spectropolarimetry with the E-ELT Klaus G. Strassmeier, Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), Germany With E-ELT science cases supported by:
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Science cases: a community proposal for the E-ELT
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Exoplanet transitspectroscopy in integrated light Extraction of Stokes-I differential transit profile (FeI641.1) („planet-with-atmosphere minus planet-without-atmosphere“): G2V star vsini=15 km/s, Super-Earth R=2.5 R E, R atmos =750km PTV≈10 -6
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Exoplanet transitspectroscopy in polarized light PTV≈10 -4 Model= Boo 10/15/15G without with transit Simulation
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Observations Covariance Eigenvectors PCA Wavelet Wavelet Filtering Matrix Cross-Correlation Transform & Reconstruction Test input Reconstruction Signal extraction and inversion
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec A few trivial-looking situations for the E-ELT Is the user demand high enough? Imaging vs. spectroscopy? Can one afford to ignore AO in 2020+? Which instrument to feed? if SP… at which spectral resolution R ? Be prepared for only few hours of telescope time and a quick, stand-by, ops mode Is the reconfiguration time for M1 short enough?
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec From science wishes to reality On-axis spectropolarimetry with nm coverage simultaneously. Continuum and line polarization; full Stokes vector. Highest possible precision/accuracy. Highest feasible R.
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Prototype: PEPSI-Pol at straight-Gregorian foci of the LBT 2 8.4m Stokes IQUV R=120, nm ops in 2013
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Strawman design of the SP Acquisition unit (including calibration-light injection) Focal plane Electronics Polarimeter/Collimator Fiber pick up nm free range Full Stokes vector
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec (4) Fibers to (2) spectrograph Foster Collimator ADCs Cameras Dichroids SFPP – Smart Focal Plane Polarimeter for the E-ELT
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Retarder +Foster Collimator ADCs Cameras Dichroids SFPP – Smart Focal Plane Polarimeter for the E-ELT CODEX SIMPLE EPICS METIS New spectrograph X-Shooter like Calibration Science UV arm Opt-NIR arm Diaphragm Fibers
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Zoom
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Retarder +Foster Collimator ADCs Cameras Dichroids SFPP – Smart Focal Plane Polarimeter for the E-ELT CODEX SIMPLE EPICS METIS New spectrograph X-Shooter like Calibration Science UV arm Opt-NIR arm Diaphragm Fibers
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec The 39m E-ELT M1 irregularly shaped 39.3m outer diameter 37m entrance pupil M2 4090mm allows „free focus position“ M3 circ. 3756mm M4 = adaptive mirror M4 ellip. 2380mm M5 = tip-tilt mirror M5 ellip. 2600mm IF Intermediate Focus M2 M5 M4 M3M1 IF
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Natural- vs. Laser-Guide-Star focus NGS LGS
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec The (symmetric) intermediate f/4.4 focus Not open for science Image quality poor Within M4 hole Need to move ADC FOV Ø 1 arcmin Beam Ø 481mm Wavefront sensing for M1 in 5-10 arcmin ring in Nasmyth → severe vignetting issues in IF
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Space constraints EELT intermediate f/4.4 focus M4 = off limit due to d>30cm constraint; = available space.
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec SFPP in intermediate focus
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec … more problems: the parking volume
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec … more constraints: the parking-lot volume
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec. 2011
Space constraints EELT intermediate f/4.4 focus
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec Who else wants the focus? 1. General purpose (intrafocal) ADC 2. Calibration Unit for the AO system (AOCU) 3. Retarder for EPICS/METIS-Pol calibration AOCU needs light sources in IF → incompatible with anything else. SFPP could include EPICS/METIS-Pol calibration module.
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec One scientific conclusion many Earth-sized (transiting) planets will be known. Who can detect their magnetospheres? E-ELT + spectropolarimetry could contribute to the scientific search for the most-likely places for life in our galaxy.
K. G. Strassmeier, Polarimetry with ELTs, Utrecht, Nov./Dec (Technical) Conclusions Provide the full Stokes vector as f( ) at P/P Imaging-Pol at IF is optically not advisable (coma!) IF is suited for seeing-limited, on-axis spectropolarimetry for nm. Combine with EPICS-PCU and METIS-PCU into a smart focal plane not easy but likely possible. SP could feed either two spectrographs ( nm nm) via one pair of fibers; or three spectrographs (plus nm) via a second pair of (uv) fibers. All simultaneously. e.g. an encapsulated fiber-fed, bench-mounted X- Shooter somewhere on the Nasmyth platform.