Tonido Cloud Private, Highly Scalable, Self-Hosted Cloud Storage/Sync Solution
What is Tonido Cloud? Tonido Cloud is software that allows you to provide private cloud storage and sync solution to your customers and clients.
Where to run Tonido Cloud? »Run Tonido Cloud inside your customer premise »Private Cloud »Run Tonido Cloud in your data center and offer to clients »Hosted by you
Why run Tonido Cloud? »Access to important files wherever they are »Share files with other users inside or outside the organization »Sync files easily with other users »Security and control of your valuable intellectual property »Scalable from 10s to millions of users »Mobile accessible »Affordable pricing
Tonido Cloud Storage Access all your files on all your devices
Tonido Cloud Sync Sync your files on all your computers
Tonido Drive Mount your remote files as a local drive on Windows * Use WebDAV on other Operating Systems
Tonido Cloud Sharing Share Files to internal and external users Guest’s can use mobile apps, web browsers or even sync clients to get access
»Unlimited Storage & Sync »Full Mobile Support »Full Administration controls »Custom Branding Support » Template Support »Flexible Storage Architecture »Local Disk »Amazon S3 »Open Stack »Others »Easy Setup: Less than 30 minutes »Mature : Based on Tonido Desktop Personal Cloud Other Features
Technology SW / HW HTTP Load Balancer (Optional) Apache Web Servers Mongo DB Database Servers Storage Abstraction API Filesystem Storage HDD, SAN, NAS Tonido Cloud Amazon S3 API Open Stack FS API Amazon S3 (or) Cloud Files
Installation Requirements »Linux »Apache »Mod Rewrite »PHP 5.3 »Mongo Driver »GD »OpenSSL »IonCube Loader »MongoDB
Runs on »Browsers »IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari »Mobile »iPhone/iPad »Android »Windows Phone 7 »Blackberry »Sync »Windows, Linux, Mac OSX »Drive »Windows »WebDAV »Compatible WebDAV clients
Partner First Policy We strictly follow a Partner First Policy. We will always involve a partner in customer opportunities as long as the customer does not insist on being served directly from Tonido.
Partner Benefits »Listing in our website »Access to customer leads from your region »Co-marketing opportunities »Priority support and installation help »Attractive margins on licensing and on-going subscription pricing
Partner Requirements »Should have experience in IT integration and system consulting domain »Should run a System Integration, IT Consulting, Data center or Hosting business with established track record »Should list Tonido Cloud as one of the offerings in the website »Should buy atleast Tonido Cloud starter pack and complete the installation
More Information Create a Free Account Click on “New Account” Interested in trying Tonido Cloud? Tonido Cloud Website : Tonido Cloud Downloads :
Contact Sales/Questions/Feedback: Madhan Kanagavel Skype: madhankk Support: