MORE WORK TIME… Time to talk some Shakespeare…
Today’s Classroom Learning Objectives Students will be able to write 5 lines in response to a prompt. Students will write three new vocabulary words in their word study guide and will be able to complete 6 of the associated exercises. Students will finish a webquest covering the life of William Shakespeare and will be able to identify two facts about his life.
Do Now What type of person was William Shakespeare based on what you have researched so far? Explain your answer.
Information 49 days of school remaining - Time flies when you’re having fun Do Nows and Journals must be turned in - no late submissions Elizabethan Test coming - look for posted presentations
Today’s Classroom Learning Objectives Students will be able to write 5 lines in response to a prompt. Students will write three new vocabulary words in their word study guide and will be able to complete 6 of the associated exercises. Students will begin a webquest covering the life of William Shakespeare and will be able to identify two facts about his life.
Today’s Classroom Learning Objectives Students will be able to write 5 lines in response to a prompt. Students will write three new vocabulary words in their word study guide and will be able to complete 6 of the associated exercises. Students will begin a webquest covering the life of William Shakespeare and will be able to identify two facts about his life.
Elizabethan Slides Slides to be posted on the Wikispace - this will be the primary source for information - all files, assignments, due dates, tests will be here Slides will also be posted on EDMODO - we will be using EDMODO more often - please watch your comments - some assignments may be posted here - you may share assignments with one another
Surly– (adj.) Angry and bad tempered; rude Synonyms – cranky, grouchy, hostile Antonyms – friendly, civil, polite
Tirade– (n.) A long angry speech; usually critical Synonyms – lecture, sermon, diatribe Antonyms – calm, harmony, peace
Vagrant – (n.) idle wanderer, tramp; (adj.) wandering aimlessly Synonyms – drifter, hobo, drifter, nomad Antonyms – resident, homebody
Shakespeare – A Literary Journey Another web based assignment You will be searching for information on William Shakespeare - you may use any internet site - some suggestions are on the back of the page Before the end of the period, respond to the prompt located on EDMODO - follow the directions from the prompt
Today’s Classroom Learning Objectives Students will be able to write 5 lines in response to a prompt. Students will write three new vocabulary words in their word study guide and will be able to complete 6 of the associated exercises. Students will begin a webquest covering the life of William Shakespeare and will be able to identify two facts about his life.