High impact events and lessons: Engagement & challenge in History
Motivation & Achievement Primary Sources & Artefacts +Story Telling = Inspired Students and Critical Thinkers
Artefacts and thinking skills Plausibility Hypothetical reasoning Inferences Credibility Interpretation Observation What type of object is it? What is it made of? Imagine interviewing the object. What questions would you ask to tell the story of this object? Why was the object made? What is this object telling us about the past? Who would benefit or be harmed by the object? Who was the intended audience? Would the object have united or divided people? What in the maker’s background or position might affect his or her point of view? Has the artefact affected the way you think about this particular period of history? Reflection
Resources, resources, resources! Board Games Flags History related Art work Costume Memorabilia Visiting speaker
Integrated Scene Setting Religious Right Sermon Teacher in role Artefact Music Costume Cholera 1854 Interviewing ‘Death’
Personalised history & the challenge agenda How credible is the author in writing about these events? Who is the author? What are the letter’s main points? Was there an audience beyond the intended individual? Why was it written? How might the individual react to the content? What events or conditions might have affected the writing of this letter? How typical is this material? What questions do you now have? Vietnam letters Project
L/Cpl. Allen Bailey Vicki Thom & PFC Roger Schaufel Sgt. Craig L. Hagen Craig Louis Hagen ALLEN CHARLES BAILEY Charles Boyd Romaine Jr
Final thoughts …. Engagement & Challenge Engagement & Challenge