Greek Culture Quest By: Abby Haywood
Ancient Greek art, architecture, and writing Greek art was very influential masterpieces. Greece had many sculptures and monuments. Greek architecture was based around religion and had many large and beautiful temples Greek writing used pronunciation, numbers, and the alphabet to write letters, fables, and stories during the time of Ancient Greece.
Map of Ancient Greece
Artemis Major Greek Gods Aphrodite: goddess of love, romance, and beauty, her son was Eros, god of love Apollo: beautiful god of the sun, light, medicine, and music Ares: dark god of war Artemis: independent goddess of the hunt, the forest, wildlife, and the moon, sister to Apollo Athena: daughter of Zeus, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts Demeter: goddess of agriculture and mother of Persephone Apollo
Major Greek Gods Hephaestus: lame god of fire and the forge Hera: wife of Zeus, protector of marriage, familiar with magic Hermes: the speedy messenger of the gods Hestia: calm goddess of the home and symbolized by the hearth which holds the continually burning of flame Poseidon: god of the sea, horses, and of earthquakes Zeus: supreme lord of gods, god of the sky, symbolized by the thunderbolt Poseidon Zeus
Trojan War Legendary conflict between the early Greeks and the people of Troy in western Anatolia Dated later to the 12th or 13th century BC The war lasted 10 years It ended when the Greeks pretended to withdraw leaving behind them a large wooden horse with warriors inside. When the Trojans brought the horse into their city, the hidden Greeks opened the gates who then attacked Troy, killed all its men, and carried off its women.
Odysseus Hercules Famous Heroes Hercules: he grew up to become the hero who beat the odds time and again, performed amazing, often helpful tasks, and yet was full human Achilles: he was the best warrior in the Trojan war, he was dipped in the Styx River and was then unbeatable except his ankle where he wasn’t dipped Theseus: he was the hero of Athens, he saved the people of Athens from having to send off their children as sacrifices Odysseus: he came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse, and he also survived 10 years of war and then 10 years at sea then he came home, only few Greeks did that
Famous Monsters Cyclops: one-eyed giants, that considered humans food Cerberus Famous Monsters Cyclops: one-eyed giants, that considered humans food Cerberus: a three headed, flesh-eating hound that was so fierce that even the gods fear him, he was a watchdog in the land of the dead Sphinx: she had the head and chest of a women, bird wings, and a dog’s body, she asked people who walked by to solve a riddle, if they failed she would have destroyed or devoured them Medusa: the once beautiful and loved women was turned into a snake-headed monster, and if you took on glance at her you would have turned into stone.
Sources 12 Major Gods of Ancient Greece, Westport, Website, January 2, 2012. Ancient Greece, University Quest, 2008, Website, January 2, 2012 Trojan War- History, A & E Television Networks, 2011, Website, January 2, 2012 Gill, N.S, Top 10 Heroes of Greek Land, The New York Times Company, 2012, Website, January 2, 2012 Gill, N.S, Mythical Monsters- Monsters From Greek Mythology, The New York Times Company, 2012, Website, January 2, 2012