Sum Up lkj la{ksi
2 Existence is Co-existence Human Being is embedded in Co-existence Human Being is by way of Co-existence
3 Sum Up Level. NameRelationshipDetails 4b. ExistenceCo-existenceUnits submerged in Space 4a. NatureMutual FulfillmentAmongst Units Amongst 4 Orders 3. SocietyRight Understanding, Prosperity, Fearlessness/Trust, Co-existence Human-Nature relationship Natural Laws 5 dimensions of Human Order 10 steps 2. FamilyFeeling of co- existence Trust, Respect … Love Human-Human relationship Justice 1b. Individual Human Being Co-existence of Self(I) & Body Sanyam in Self(I) Health in Body 1a. Self (I)Continuous happiness = happiness, peace, satisfaction, bliss Realization of co-existence, Understanding of Harmony in Nature, Contemplation of Participation in larger order – definiteness of desire on this basis. Feeling & thought of relationship & order, behaviour, work & participation in larger order
4 la{ksi Lrjlaca/kfoLrkj 4b. vfLrRo lg&vfLrRoO;kod esa lai`Dr bdkb;ka 4a. iz—fr ijLij iwjdrkpkj voLFkkv¨a esa 3. lekt lek/kku] le`f)] vHk; ¼fo”okl½] lg&vfLrRo ekUkOk&izdf`Rk lexz laCkaËk] iz—frd fu;e ekuoh; O;oLFkk ds i¡kp vk;ke nl lksiku 2. ifjokj lg&vfLrRo dk HkkOk fo”okl]lEeku++++ … izse ekuo&ekuo laca/k U;k; 1b. ekuo eSa v©j “kjhj dk lg&vfLrRo eSa esa la;e “kjhj esa LokLF; 1a. eSa fujarj lq[k ¾ lq[k, 'kkfURk, lURk¨"k, vkuUn lg&vfLrRo dk vuqHko O;oLFkk dk cks/k] O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkjh dk fpUru & blds vFkZ esa bPNk fuf'pr g®ukA laca/k] O;oLFkk dk fopkj, O;Ogkj] dk;Z] O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkjh
5 Role of Education-Sanskar: Enable Transformation The role of education is to facilitate the development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct f”k{kk dh Hkwfedk Ekkuo esa fuf”pr Ekkuoh; vkpj.k ls thus dh ;ksX;rk fodflr djuk gSA Transformation& Progress laØe.k&fodkl
6 Human Consciousness Leading to Universal Human Order JUSTICE in RELATIONSHIP with Human Being - from Family to World Family PARTICIPATION in LARGER ORDER with Nature - From Family Order to World Family Order RIGHT UNDERSTANDING in the Self – Understanding Harmony in Individual, Family, Society, Nature/Existence MUTUAL HAPPINESS UNDIVIDED SOCIETY FULFILMENT of HUMAN GOAL UNIVERSAL HUMAN ORDER 3 2 Human Consciousness ekuo psruk 1
7 ekuo psruk ls Ekkuoh; O;oLFkk laca/k esa U;k; & ekuo ds lkFk ifjokj ls fo”o ifjokj rd O;oLFkk esa Òkxhnkjh & izd`fr lexz ds lkFk ifjokj O;oLFkk ls fo”o ifjokj O;oLFkk rd Lke> & Lo;a esa Lo;a ls ys dj laiw.kZ vfLrRo dh O;oLFkk dks le>uk mHk; lq[k v[k.M lekt Ekkuo y{; dh iwfrZ lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk 3 2 ekuo psruk 1
8 Self-exploration, Self-investigation 1. Content of Self Exploration: a. Desire ( pkguk ) - Aim, Purpose b. Program ( djuk ) – Process of achieving the desire Happiness = To be in Harmony 2. Process of Self Exploration Self-verification – Happiness, Prosperity Continuity To understand Harmony & to live in harmony at all 4 levels: 1.Harmony in the Individual 2.Harmony in Family 3.Harmony in Society 4.Harmony in Nature/Existence
9 Process of Self-verification Whatever is said is a Proposal (Do not accept it to be true) Verify it on your own right Proposal Verify on the basis Of your Natural Acceptance Work with Rest of Nature Mutual Prosperity Experiential Validation Live according to it Behaviour with Human Beings Mutual Happiness 21 2a2b Realization Understanding Contemplation Right Understanding
10 The state or situation, in which I live, if there is disharmony / contradiction in it, then it is not Naturally Acceptable to me to be in that state / situation To be forced to be in a state / situation which is not Naturally Acceptable is Unhappiness To be forced to be in a state of Disharmony / Contradiction is Unhappiness Unhappiness = Disharmony HappinessUnhappiness The state or situation, in which I live, if there is harmony / synergy in it, then it is Naturally Acceptable to me to be in that state / situation To be in a state / situation which is Naturally Acceptable is Happiness To be in in a state of Harmony / Synergy is Happiness Happiness = To be in Harmony
11 Prosperity ( le`f) ) Prosperity – The feeling of having more than required Physical Facility 21 le`f) & vko”;d lqfo/kk ls vf/kd dh mRiknu dk Hkko – Identification of required physical facility (including the required quantity) – with right understanding vko”;d lqfo/kk dk fu/kkZj.k & lgh le> ls 2 – Ensuring availability/ production of more than required physical facility – with right skills vf/kd dh mRiknu] HkkSfrd jklk;fud oLrqvksa dk & lgh gquj ls A prosperous person thinks of right utilisation, nurturing the other “ deprived “ “ “ accumulation, exploiting “ “ le`) O;fDr lnqi;ksx dk] nwljs dk iks"k.k djus dk lksprk gS nfjnz“ laxzg “ “ “ “kks"k.k “ “ “ “
12 The state or situation, in which I live, if there is harmony / synergy in it, then it is Naturally Acceptable to me to be in that state / situation To be in a state / situation which is Naturally Acceptable is Happiness To be in a state of Harmony / Synergy is Happiness Happiness = To be in Harmony State / Situation in which I live or Expanse of our Being: 1.As an Individual 2.In Family 3.In Society 4.In Nature/Existence Continuous Happiness = Harmony at all levels of our Being. i.e. 1.Harmony in the Human Being 2.Harmony in the Family 3.Harmony in the Society 4.Harmony in Nature/Existence HappinessContinuous Happiness
13 Program for Continuous Happiness To facilitate understanding of the Harmony at all levels of our Being 1.Harmony in the Human Being 2.Harmony in the Family 3.Harmony in the Society 4.Harmony in Nature/Existence To understand & to live in Harmony at all levels of our Being 1.As an Individual 2.In Family 3.In Society 4.In Nature/Existence Proposals a)Verify the proposals on the basis of your NATURAL ACCEPTANCE b) Experiential validation by LIVING ACCORDINGLY Realization, Understanding Contemplation 2 1
14 Scope of this Workshop Knowing your Natural Acceptance What you really want to be (INTENTION) LoRo Living in accordance with your Natural Acceptance Living in harmony within Lora=rk - behaviour with human being mutual happiness - work with rest of nature mutual prosperity Living in harmony with entire existence LojkT; - Justice with human being – family to world family undivided society - Harmony with nature – family order to world family order universal human order
15 Human Being Ekkuo Self (I) eSa Body “kjhj Need vko';drk Happiness (e.g. Respect) lq[k ¼tSls lEeku½ Physical Facility (e.g. Food) lqfo/kk ¼tSls Hkkstu½ In Time dky esa Continuous fujUrj Temporary lkef;d In Quantity ek=k esa Qualitative (is Feeling) xq.kkRed ¼Hkko gS½ Quantitative (Required in Limited Quantity) Ekk=kRed ¼lhfer ek=k esa½ Fulfilled By iwfrZ ds fy, Right Understanding & Right Feeling lgh le>] lgh Hkko Physio-chemical Things HkkSfrd&jklk;fud oLrq Activity fØ;k Desire, Thought, Expectation… bPNk] fopkj] vk”kk--- Eating, Walking… [kkuk] pyuk--- In Time dky esa Continuous fujUrj Temporary lkef;d ResponseKnowing, Assuming, Recognising, Fulfilling tkuuk] ekuuk] igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk Recognising, Fulfilling igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk Consciousness pSrU;Material tM Co-existence lgvfLrRo
16 Sensation Lakosnuk 2 Activities of Self (I) eSa dh fdz;k;sa Force / Power Activity fØz;k 1.Realization vuqHko 2.Understanding cks/k 3.Desire bPNk Imaging fp=.k 4.Thought fopkj Analysing fo'ys"k.k 5.Expectation vk'kk Selecting/Tasting Body 'kjhj Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Partantrata ijra=rk X Swatantrata Lora=rk √ Partantrata ijra=rk X Self verification on the basis of Natural Acceptance INTENTION 3 Preconditioning ekU;rk 1 Imagination dYiuk”khy rk
18 Force / Power Activity fØz;k 1.Realization vuqHko Co-existence lg&vfLrRo 2.Understanding cks/k Harmony in Nature O;oLFkk 3.Desire bPNk Imaging fp=.k Participation in Larger Order, Relationship O;oLFkk esa Ekkxhnkjh 4.Thought fopkj Analysing fo'ys"k.k 5.Expectation vk'kk Selecting/Tasting Our Role in Existence – 1. Realisation of Co-existence (WITHIN) Body 'kjhj Behaviour O;ogkj Human ekuo Work dk;Z Rest of Nature euq";sÙkj iz—fr Other nwljk Participation Òkxhnkjh in larger Order O;oLFkk esa Self (I) eSa Space “kwU; Natural Acceptance lgt LohÑfr Contemplation fparu
19 Our Role in Existence – 2. Universal Human Order (EXPRESSION) Mutual Happiness mHk; lq[k Mutual Prosperity mHk; le`f) Universal Human Order lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk Undivided Human Society v[k.M ekuoh; lekt Fulfillment of Human Goal Ekkuo y{; dh iwrhZ Human Tradition ekuoh; ijaijk
20 LoRo] Lrra=rk] LojkT; Mutual Happiness mHk; lq[k Mutual Prosperity mHk; le`f) Universal Human Order lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk Undivided Human Society v[k.M ekuoh; lekt Fulfillment of Human Goal Ekkuo y{; dh iwfrZ Human Tradition ekuoh; ijaijk vkuUn Bliss larks"k Satisfaction/ Contentment 'kkfUr Peace lq£ Happiness Continuous Happiness fujarj lq£
21 Realisation of Co-existence & it’s expression – Universal Human Order Mutual Happiness mHk; lq[k Mutual Prosperity mHk; le`f) Universal Human Order lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk Undivided Human Society v[k.M ekuoh; lekt Fulfillment of Human Goal Ekuo y{; dh iwrhZ Human Tradition ekuoh; ijaijk
22 Harmony in Family – Justice, From Family to World Family ( Undivided Society ) 1.Relationship is – between one self (I 1 ) and other self (I 2 ) 2.There are feelings in relationship – in one self (I 1 ) for other self (I 2 ) 3.These feelings can be recognized – they are definite (9 Feelings) 4.Their fulfilment, evaluation leads to mutual happiness Feelings in relationship: Justice = Recognition, Fulfillment & Evaluation of Human-Human Relationship, leading to Mutual Happiness Natural Acceptance for Justice – from Family to World Family Natural Acceptance for Undivided Society ¼v[k.M lekt½ 1- Trust fo”okl FOUNDATION VALUE 2- Respect lEeku 3- Affection Lusg 4- Care eerk 5- Guidance okRlY; 6- Reverence J)k 7- Glory xkSjo 8- Gratitude —rKrk 9- Love izse COMPLETE VALUE
23 Harmony in Society – Universal Human Order Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) Five Dimensions of Human Order ¼ ekuoh; O;oLFkk & i¡kp vk;ke ½ 1. Education – Sanskar - f”k{kk laLdkj 2. Health – Sanyam - LokLF; la;e 3. Production – Work - mRiknu dk;Z 4. Justice – Suraksha - U;k; lqj{kk 5. Exchange – Storage - fofue; dks’k Ten Steps ¼ nl lksiku ½ – From Family Order to World Family Order Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster... Nation... World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence
24 Harmony in Nature iz—fr esa O;oLFkk ORDERS 4 voLFkk UNITS bdkbZ ACTIVITY fØz;k INNATENESS /kkj.kk (Self-organisation) INHERITANCE vuq’kaxh;rk Physical inkFkZ Soil, Metal feV~Vh] /kkrq Composition- Decomposition jpuk&fojpuk Existence vfLrRo Constitution based Ikfj.kke vuq’kaxh Pranic izk.k Plants, Trees isM+] ikS/ks "-“ + Respiration “olu&iz”olu " + Growth iqf’V Seed based cht vuq’kaxh Animal tho Animals, Birds i”kq] i{kh "-“, " in Body “kjhj esa Selecting/Tasting in I eSa esa ", " in Body “kjhj esa Will to live in I eSa esa Tkhus dh vk”kk Breed based oa”k vuq’kaxh Human Kku Human Beings euq’; "-“, " in Body “kjhj esa Imaging, Analysing, Selecting/Tasting in I fp=.k] fo'ys’k.k] eSa esa Potential for Understanding in I le>us dh {kerk eSa esa ", " in Body “kjhj esa Will to live with continuous happiness in I eSa esa fujarj Lkq[kiwoZd Tkhus dh vk”kk Right Feeling lek/kku Right Understanding Kku Education-Sanskar based f”k{kk&laLdkj vuq’kaxh Right Understanding = Understanding Co-existence; Right Feeling = Feeling of Co-existence
25 Role of Education-Sanskar f'k{kk&laLdkj dh Hkwfedk ORDERS 4 voLFkk UNITS bdkbZ ACTIVITY fØz;k INNATENESS /kkj.kk (Self-organisation) INHERITANCE vuq’kaxh;rk Physical inkFkZ Soil, Metal feV~Vh] /kkrq Composition- Decomposition jpuk&fojpuk Existence vfLrRo Constitution based Ikfj.kke vuq’kaxh Pranic izk.k Plants, Trees isM+] ikS/ks "-“ + Respiration “olu&iz”olu " + Growth iqf’V Seed based cht vuq’kaxh Animal tho Animals, Birds i”kq] i{kh "-“, " in Body “kjhj esa Selecting/Tasting in I eSa esa ", " in Body “kjhj esa Will to live in I eSa esa Tkhus dh vk”kk Breed based oa”k vuq’kaxh Human Kku Human Beings euq’; "-“, " in Body “kjhj esa Imaging, Analysing, Selecting/Tasting in I fp=.k] fo'ys’k.k] eSa esa Potential for Understanding in I le>us dh {kerk eSa esa ", " in Body “kjhj esa Will to live with continuous happiness in I eSa esa fujarj Lkq[kiwoZd Tkhus dh vk”kk Right Feeling lek/kku Right Understanding Kku Education-Sanskar based f”k{kk&laLdkj vuq’kaxh Right Understanding = Understanding Co-existence; Right Feeling = Feeling of Co-existence Human Education- sanskar Next Generation
26 Harmony in Existence vfLrRo esa O;oLFkk Existence vfLrRo = Units Submerged inSpace bdkb;ka lai`Dr“kwU; (All Pervading, O;kid ) Limited in Size lhfer vkdkj Unlimited vlhfer Activity, Active fØ;k] fØ;k'khy No Activity fØ;k”kwU; ¼“kwU;½ 1.Energised ( ÅftZr ) in Space 2.Self Organised ( fu;af=r] Lo;a esa O;oLFkk gS ) in Space 3.Recognises it's relationship & Fulfills it with every other Unit in Space ( ijLijrk dks igpkurh gS] fuokZg djrh gS cMh O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkj gS] lexz O;oLFkk esa Hkkxhnkj gS ) CO-EXISTENCE lg&vfLrRo
27 Sum Up Level. NameRelationshipDetails 4b. ExistenceCo-existenceUnits submerged in Space 4a. NatureMutual FulfillmentAmongst Units Amongst 4 Orders 3. SocietyRight Understanding, Prosperity, Fearlessness/Trust, Co-existence Human-Nature relationship Natural Laws 5 dimensions of Human Order 10 steps 2. FamilyFeeling of co- existence Trust, Respect … Love Human-Human relationship Justice 1b. Individual Human Being Co-existence of Self(I) & Body Sanyam in Self(I) Health in Body 1a. Self (I)Continuous happiness = happiness, peace, satisfaction, bliss Realization of co-existence, Understanding of Harmony in Nature, Contemplation of Participation in larger order – definiteness of desire on this basis. Feeling & thought of relationship & order, behaviour, work & participation in larger order
28 Sum Up Knowing your Natural Acceptance What you really want to be (INTENTION) LoRo Living in accordance with your Natural Acceptance Living in harmony within Lora=rk - behaviour with human being mutual happiness - work with rest of nature mutual prosperity Living in harmony with entire existence LojkT; - Justice with human being – family to world family undivided society - Harmony with nature – family order to world family order universal human order
29 Realisation of Co-existence & it’s expression – Universal Human Order Mutual Happiness mHk; lq[k Mutual Prosperity mHk; le`f) Universal Human Order lkoZHkkSe ekuoh; O;oLFkk Undivided Human Society v[k.M ekuoh; lekt Fulfillment of Human Goal Ekuo y{; dh iwrhZ Human Tradition ekuoh; ijaijk
30 Expression of co-existence at different levels Mutual Fulfillment = every unit recognises its relationship with every other unit and fulfils it Right Understanding = understanding of co-existence Right Feeling = feeling of co-existence Prosperity = understanding co-existence of human being with rest-of-nature + ensuring enough PF, fulfilling that with rest of Nature through avartansheel process (= co-existence with rest-of nature) Fearlessness (Trust) = understanding of co-existence of human being with human being + fulfilling that Co-existence = understanding existence is co-existence 9 Feelings = expression of feeling of co-existence Trust = the other is complementary to me (doosra mera purak hai) Affection = acceptance of co-existence with the other Love = I am in co-existence with everyone/everything else Realization of co-existence, Understanding of mutual fulfilment Desire Thought, Expectation on the basis of understanding & realization
31 Now we can see that… Happiness is an indicator, a feedback, that we -have understood harmony and -live in harmony Unhappiness is an indicator, a feedback, that we -have not understood harmony and/or -do not live in harmony Our role is to make the effort -to understand harmony and -to live in harmony This is our role in existence … at all 4 levels of our being at one or more of the 4 levels of our being at all 4 levels of our being 1.In the Self, as an Individual 2.In Family 3.In Society 4.In Nature/Existence
32 Program for Human Being (Our Role in Existence) Human beings have two important things to do: 1. To understand the co-existence 1.1. To understand co-existence – Right Understanding ( Kku ) 1.2. To ensure the feeling, thought of co-existence – Resolution ( lek/kku ) 2. To live in co-existence 2.1. To live in relationship with human-beings –family to world family – Undivided Society ( v[k.M lekt ) 2.2. To live in co-existence in nature –family order to world family order – Universal Human Order ( lkoZHkkSe O;oLFkk ) By these two being ensured by human beings, the result will be Undivided Society and Universal Human Order on Earth, in which Harmony and peace are very natural outcomes (and there is every provision in Existence for it)
33 Gist LrjfLFkfrxfr. vfLrRolg& vfLrRo lkoZHkkSe O;oLFkk EkkuovuqHkoizek.k ijLijrk esaizse] d:.kkv[k.M lekt LevelStateExpression. ExistenceCo-existenceUniversal Human Order Human BeingRealisationEvidence, Authentication In Mutual relationshipLove, CompassionUndivided Society
34 Human Tradition Human Conduct Human Education Universal Human Order Human Constitution Universal Human Order: Dynamics Nature of society of people living together in a relationship of mutual fulfillment The society in which Human Goal is realised Education that ensures the development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct Conduct that ensures continuity of mutual happiness & prosperity Entry Point
35 Guidelines for Professional Ethics Human Friendly Management Models: Ensuring Justice Relationship & Order Human Friendly & Eco Friendly Production Processes: Avartansheel Production-Work What to produce: Required physical facilities How to produce: Avartansheel Management: Relationship & Order Storage – Exchange Why?: with a feeling of relationship & responsibility to participate in Undivided Family, Universal Human Order
Program of Action
37 Program of Action (Individual) At the level of Individual: Understand harmony and live in harmony – at all 4 levels (individual, family, society, nature/existence) 1.Self-exploration, Self-study – Verify the proposals within yourself, on your own right understanding co-existence, feeling & thought of co-existence; behaviour, work & participation in larger order on the basis of co-existence 2.Self-awareness – Be aware of your desire, thought and expectation – every moment 3.Self-evaluation – Evaluate your desire, thought and expectation – on the basis of your Natural Acceptance Sanskar = ∑ (Desire, Thought, Expectation) Sanskar (t), Environment (t), Self-exploration (t) Sanskar (t+1)
38 Program of Action (Individual) 1.Adhyayan, Self-Exploration – Right Understanding in the Self 1.1. Ensure Right Understanding, Feeling, Thought, Behaviour, Work, Participation in Larger Order 1.2. Be Aware of your Desires, Thoughts, Expectations – Every Moment 1.3. Evaluate them – on the basis of your Natural Acceptance (Realisation & Understanding) 2.In Relation to Human Being – Mutual Happiness 2.1.Right Feeling in oneself 2.2. Living with responsibility starting from family, then friends, workplace … 3.In Relation with Rest-of-Nature – Mutual Prosperity 3.1.Right Utilisation with clarity of purpose 3.2.Protection ensuring Characteristic, Inheritance 3.3.Enrichment Production of necessary Physical Facility with Avartansheel Process, ensuring Justice Weekly Meeting (Sharing, 1 Topic) Video of Lectures, Text Book Workshop every 6 mths
39 Program of Action (at the level of Society) 1.People’s Education Program ( yksd f'k{kk ;kstuk ): for adults 2.Education-Sanskar Program ( f'k{kk laLdkj ;kstuk ): for children 3.Undivided Society, Universal Human Order Program ( v[k.M lekt] lkoZHkkSe O;oLFkk ;kstuk ) Just as a seed replicates itself, so the vision of an Undivided Society and Universal Human Order can be evidenced on this planet… Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster... Nation... World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ People with Right Understanding & Right Feelings - Parents- Policy Makers -Teachers… People with Right Understanding & Right Feelings - People with definite Human conduct, the competence to participate in Universal Human Order 10 yrs 1 Next 10 yrs yrs 1000 cr yrs yrs Course in Academic Curriculum Socially Relevant Projects Conducive Environment Fulfilment of Human Goal
40 Status of Universal Human Values in Higher Education – Dec IIIT Hyderabad (AP) – an experiment 2006IIT Kanpur (UP) – an experiment 2009GBTU & MTU (now UPTU) – large scale experiment [ 700 C] 2011PTU (Punjab) – a high speed, large scale experiment [ 325 C] Encouraging results 2012HPTU, Hamirpur (HP) [ 46 C] 2013JNKVV, Jabalpur (MP) [ 6 C] 2013RVSKVV, Gwalior (MP) [ 2 C] 2013JNTU, Hyderabad (AP) [ 462 C] 2013Collegiate Education, Andhra Pradesh [2500 C] 2013Galgotias University, Greater Noida [ 3 C] Colleges in 30 Universities in 6 states in India 2013Royal University of Bhutan [ 11 C] All Colleges of Higher Education in Bhutan
Sharing Values
42 Institution, Teacher are clear about the Role of Education-sanskar To Make Effort for an Enlightened Individual, Humane Family, Humane Society For Job, Managing in Society Today Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence Assumptions (eg. Money is everything) In Every Individual Accumulation By Any Means In few Individuals Domination, Exploitation, Fear In Society Mastery & Exploitation Over Nature Madness for Consumption Hkksx mUekn Madness for Profit ykHk mUekn Madness for Sensual Pleasure dke mUekn Resource Depletion Pollution Terrorism War
43 Effort for an Enlightened Individual, Humane Family, Society Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) Five Dimensions of Human Order ¼ ekuoh; O;oLFkk & i¡kp vk;ke ½ 1. Education – Sanskar - f”k{kk laLdkj 2. Health – Sanyam - LokLF; la;e 3. Production – Work - mRiknu dk;Z 4. Justice – Suraksha - U;k; lqj{kk 5. Exchange – Storage - fofue; dks’k Ten Steps ¼ nl lksiku ½ – From Family Order to World Family Order Family – Family cluster – Village – Village cluster... Nation... World Family ~ 10 1 ~ 10 2 ~ Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence
44 Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation The role of education is to facilitate the development of the competence to live with Definite Human Conduct f”k{kk dh Hkwfedk Ekkuo esa fuf”pr Ekkuoh; vkpj.k ls thus dh ;ksX;rk fodflr djuk gSA Transformation& Progress laØe.k&fodkl
45 Institution, Teacher Understand the Role of Education-sanskar 1. To enable the child to know, to see things as they are, on his own right; clarity of human goal; and to have a vision for living a fulfilling life, i.e. in harmony within, with good health in the body, in mutually fulfilling relationship with human beings and in mutually enriching relationship with rest of nature 2. To develop the commitment, ability and practice to live in mutually fulfilling, complimentary relationship with one, then few and ultimately with all (human beings as well as with rest of nature) Mutual Happiness 3. To develop the commitment, ability and practice to live in mutually enriching relationship with rest of nature, i.e. To live with prosperity. Have the understanding to correctly identify the need of physical facility, have the skills and practice to produce more than the required physical facility through his own labour using a cyclic-mutually enriching process, have the understanding to rightly use as much physical facility as is required and share the remaining in relationship and order in society Mutual Prosperity
46 Material for Self-study & Preparation 1.Syllabus 2.Teachers Manual (Lecture Plan 28 Lectures & 14 Practice Sessions) 3.Text Book 4.Posters 5.Presentations, including Practice Sessions, Tutorials & Videos, FAQ 6.Video of Workshop Lectures 7.Weekly Meeting (also through WebEx) 8.Web Site Day Teachers' Orientation Program 10.How to Share Values 11.Examination & Evaluation 12.Assignments, Social Projects & Social Internship 13.Process of Implementation (stage by stage) Advanced Study 1.PSL2 …
47 Teacher 1.Feeling of Trust, Respect, Affection, Care & Guidance for the Student 2.Having Excellence / Making effort for Excellence 3.Is a co-explorer Excellence ¼ Js’Brk ½ Understanding Harmony & Living in Harmony Student 1.Feeling of Trust, Respect, Affection, Reverence, Glory & Gratitude for the Teacher 2.Inspired by the Teacher 3.Making effort for Excellence (explorer) The Teacher has the Primary Responsibility at all 4 levels 1.In the Self, as an Individual 2.In Family 3.In Society 4.In Nature/Existence
48 The Teacher is Making Effort For Excellence 1.Understanding harmony & living accordingly PSL1, PSL2… PhD Self study (reading, exploring…) Weekly Meeting Sharing along with an experienced faculty Sharing with small group on your own Doing social projects/ social internship 2.Sharing the content Teaching foundation course Conducting short workshops Conducting full workshops Social Projects, social internship 3.Guiding the student onward, taking responsibility to guide students in and out of the classroom 4.Living in harmony in the family, with students & reaching out to the community
50 Program of Action (Individual, Family, Organisation…) Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) -Self -exploration, resolution, awareness & self- purification - Learning & practice skills - development of competence -Self Study Right Understanding & Right Feelings – All Encompassing Solution -Recognising family need of PF -Production of more than what is required by own labour -Family education sanskar -Family Meeting Prosperity – Feeling of having more than required physical facility -Justice in Human-Human relationship -Org. Mtg Fearlessness (Trust) – Clarity that the other intends my happiness - Participation in larger order, in at least one of the 5 dimensions with a view of mutual fulfilment -Right utilisation, protection, enrichment of physical facility Co-Existence – Clarity that existence is co-existence
51 Gross Misunderstanding – Activity for Domination, Sensation… Domination to be special, for sensation Madness for consumption Madness for profit (accumulation) Madness for sensual pleasure Assumptions, Confusion Feeling of opposition, wretchedness, cunningness, cruelty ( fojks?k] nhurk] ghurk] Øwjrk ) Undefined and changing need of money, physical facility Obtaining money, physical facility by exploitation Transferring assumptions in family, society Deprivation – Feeling of not having enough money / physical facility Expectations from other, family, society... Domination, exploitation, misguiding others Effort to secure oneself from others Fear, particularly from other human beings Inhuman system Utilisation of physical facility for sensation, domination Irresponsible, over-use of physical facility Mastery over nature Resource depletion & pollution
52 Transition to Universal Human Education Step 1: Introduce a foundation course on Universal Human Values in parallel with other courses with a view to initiate the process of self-exploration, leading to right understanding (gyan). i.e. introduce right understanding and right feeling in the academic curriculum. Higher level courses may be offered in addition to the foundation course. Social projects, social internship and conducting the course as an integrated workshop may take place wherever the teacher is well prepared. This will ensure better grasping and comprehension by the students 1.Prepare Teachers, Parents and Policy makers 2.Introduce Universal Human Values in Higher Education. The student can develop clarity about Human goal & universal human order Human conduct Guidelines for Professional Ethics, which is a particular aspect of human conduct Step 2: Align the academic curriculum (all courses) in the institution with right understanding, leading to thought about all encompassing resolution (samadhan), so as to establish Value Based Education at the level of the institution Step 3: The lifestyle and institute culture reflects Value Based Living. i.e. on the basis of right understanding and right feeling, behavior, work
53 Transition to Universal Human Education Step 4: The institute develops into a live model of living with happiness and prosperity, i.e. on the basis of right understanding and right feeling, behavior, work and participation in the institution order. Programs for self-sufficiency of the institution through cyclic & mutually enriching production activities and take such activities to a scale where all the faculty, staff and students can be supported internally. This will help transform the institution into a family participating with self-responsibility for a cohesive harmonious journey toward excellence for all Step 5: The institute becomes a nodal center to share and promote value education and value based living in the local community. Institution works on all 5 dimensions Step 6: The institute becomes a resource centre for the district level. The Institution works in collaboration with other institutions for all 5 dimensions Step 7: The institute becomes a resource centre for the National level. Step 8: The institute becomes a resource centre for Undivided Human Society and Universal Human Order
54 Initial Steps in Implementation 1.Understand the Content, Possibility & Responsibility – Participate in workshops, discuss with people who have worked toward universal human values [VC, Heads of Institution…] 2.Form a Value Education Cell at the University level, consisting of committed decision-makers & people who will take responsibilty & can follow things through [VC] 3.Create Awareness & Support [University VE Cell] 4.Complete the formalities for introducing the Foundation Course [University VE Cell] 5.Select & Prepare Teachers [Heads of Institution] 6.Communicate with the Students [College VE Cell] 7.Launch the Foundation Course [University VE Cell]
55 Further Activities The foundation course has to be followed up with other suitable inputs in the form of elective courses, projects, practical training, self study and practice to move towards a comprehensive EHV package It takes some time (typically 1-3 years) to establish the foundation. Once it is established, then further supportive activity can be fruitful 1.Social Projects & Socially Relevant Final Year Projects 2.Social Internship 3.Higher Level Courses e.g. "Professional Ethics for Managers" 4.Advanced Study (PhD etc.) e.g. "Management by Relationship" 5.Living the Values in all the dimensions
56 Human Values Programme introduced at IIIT Hyderabad in 2005 Goal of IIIT: To contribute to transforming industry and society, by delivering research-led education, promoting innovation, and fostering human values Human Values is as an essential part of the academic curriculum. The two courses are HV1 in 1 st sem & HV2 in 4 th sem Each week consists of 2 lectures of 1.5 hrs each Students do socially relevant humanities projects, detailed studies, reports or participate in social activities as a part of this course Students meet every week in small groups along with 2 faculty mentors At the end of the course a 4-day workshop is conducted. Faculty, faculty spouses and senior students take the responsibility for conducting it Advanced courses include “Work & Life” & “Searching for a Humane Society” Medium of instruction is students’ mother tongue/language preferred by the student (e.g. in 2010 six workshops were run in parallel – 1 in Telugu, 2 in Hindi and 3 in English)
57 Human Values Programme at UPTU (GBTU & MTU) Introduced as an essential course in all affiliated professional colleges, after due process (AC, BoS) in 2009 Run as a regular audit course (2-0-2), i.e. 28 lecture-sessions and 14 tutorials (practice-sessions) spread across any one semester 8-day Teachers’ Orientation Program (TOP) to prepare teachers Medium of instruction is English
58 Resources Developed for Self-study & for Teaching 1.Syllabus 2.Teachers Manual (Lecture Plan 28 Lectures & 14 Practice Sessions) 3.Text Book 4.Posters 5.Presentations, including Practice Sessions, Tutorials & Videos 6.Video of Workshop Lectures (Lecture-by-Lecture) 7.Weekly Meeting 8.Web Site Day Teachers' Orientation Program 10.How to Share Values 11.Examination & Evaluation 12.Social Projects & Social Internship 13.Process of Implementation (stage by stage) Advanced Study 1.PSL2 …
59 The role of the teacher is that of a facilitator – to facilitate the student to explore on their own right so that it leads to understanding With this intention the teacher’s role is: 1.To place the proposals of what is right before the students 2.To draw their attention toward each proposal and to give enough time & opportunity to explore, verify, accept, validate on their own right 3.To respond with responsibility to the questions, or clarifications sought by the students in this process The responsibility of understanding is that of the students. It includes: 1.Listening, Participating Actively (Listening vs Hearing, Asking questions) 2.Verifying the proposals on the basis of their Natural Acceptance 3.Accepting those proposals that are Naturally Acceptable 4.Validating the accepted proposals in their own Behaviour/Work; and understanding on this basis TeacherStudent
60 Teacher 1.Feeling of Trust, Respect, Affection, Care & Guidance for the Student 2.Having Excellence / Making effort for Excellence Excellence ¼ Js’Brk ½ Understanding Harmony & Living in Harmony Student 1.Feeling of Trust, Respect, Affection, Reverence, Glory & Gratitude for the Teacher 2.Inspired by the Teacher 3.Making effort for Excellence Teacher-Student Goal & Relationship at all 4 levels 1.In the Self, as an Individual 2.In Family 3.In Society 4.In Nature/Existence
61 Teachers Development: Self-study, Self-exploration 1.Understanding & Living the content (Understanding = Living) PSL1, PSL2… PhD Weekly Meeting Sharing along with an experienced faculty Sharing with small group on your own Doing social projects/ social internship 2.Sharing the content Teaching foundation course Conducting short workshops Conducting full workshops Social Projects, social internship 3.Guiding the student toward next step 4.Living accordingly, naturally reaching out to the commiunity
62 This is a significant hapenning in your life Don’t try to explain to other in your excitement. Let it settle within you, so it naturally expresses itself in your behaviour / work Deal with the baggage – you may act on the basis of it. Don’t get worked-up. Depending on external conditions, those Desires, Thoughts & Expectations may get more active & you may forget about this It is advisable to: 1.Go through a workshop once in 6 months (5% listening in 1 st workshop + lot of questions) – so scope for 20 workshops 2.Go through the literature (incl video of lectures & text book) 3.Meet once in a week for 2-3 hrs (sharing, discussing one topic)
63 Contacts IIIT Hyderabad Surya Bhagawan , GBTU Bhanu Pratap Singh , MTU Sateesh Awasthi , PTU Jagmeet Bawa , Jitender Narula , RUB Director, Lhato Jamba , HPTU Parminder Singh Gill , Galgotias Univ Kumar Sambhav , Rajul Asthana , Shyam Kumar ,
64 Teacher’s Orientation Program (8-Day Workshop) AprilGCBS Gedu, Bhutan (RUB)English 26 May – 2 JunPSIT Kanpur (UPTU)Hindi JunIIIT Hyderabad JVEnglish JunMandi Govindgarh (PTU)Hindi Mar th International Conference on Human Values in Higher Education at Gedu, Bhutan
65 Books Paperback: ASHA SACHDEVA Sales Co-ordinator, Excel Books Phone: Website: e-Book (Textbook): Kindle (Teachers' Manual): Professional-Teacher-ebook/dp/B00BU3LDO8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital- text&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1- 1&keywords=A+Foundation+Course+in+Human+Values+and+Profess ional+Ethics+%28Teacher+Manual%29http:// Professional-Teacher-ebook/dp/B00BU3LDO8/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital- text&ie=UTF8&qid= &sr=1- 1&keywords=A+Foundation+Course+in+Human+Values+and+Profess ional+Ethics+%28Teacher+Manual%29
66 Human Target Human Target ( ekuo y{; ) … by participating in one or more dimensions of human order…. Starting from family order to world family order Our role in existence is to recognize human target, and ensure it… Right Understanding & Right Feelings In Every Individual Prosperity In Every Family Fearlessness (Trust) In Society Co-Existence In Nature/ Existence Knowledge & Resolution (All Encompassing Solution) through Self Exploration Right Production based on -Labour -Avartansheel Process Relationship, Justice From Family to World Family Harmony, Natural Laws From Family Order to World Family Order Undivided Society Universal Human Order HappinessProsperity