O King of peace ( `Pouro) Epouro ( `Pouro) Epouro
POuro `nte moi nan cemni nan nennobi nan `ebol. Epouro ente tihirini: moy nan entekhirini: semni nan entek-hirini: ka nennovi nan evol O King of peace, grant us Your peace, render unto us Your peace, and forgive us our sins.
Jwr `ebol `nte `aricobt `nneckim sa `eneh. Gor evol ennigaji: ente tiekeklisia: arisoft eros: enneskim sha eneh. Disperse the enemies, of the Church, and fortify her, that she may not be shaken forever.
Emmanouyl qen tenmy] qen `p`w`ou `nte nem pi`Pneuma =e=;=u. Emmanueel penno-uti: khen tenmiti tinou: khen epo-ou ente pefiot: nem pi-epnevma ethouab. Emmanuel our God, is now in our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy Spirit.
Ntef`cmou `eron `nteftoubo `nteftal[o `nte nen`'u,y nem nencwma. Entefesmou eron tiren: enteftouvo ennenhit: enteftalcho ennishoni: ente nenepsiki nem nensoma; May He bless us all, and purify our hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and bodies,
Ten`ou`wst `mmok `w P=,=c nem Pekiwt nem pi`Pneuma je (ak`i) akcw] `mmon. Tenouosht emmoko piekhristos: nem pekiot enaghathos: nem piepnevma ethouab: je akee aksoti emmon. We worship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (come) and saved us.