FAIMER Program Evaluation 1 Stewart Mennin Bill Burdick
FAIMER What is a Program? (Programme) Integration & curriculum change Faculty development Program evaluation Assessment of students Problem-based learning Information technology Community-based learning
FAIMER What is a Program? (Programme) Community health & education Clinical skills Certification Research in the sciences basic to medicine
FAIMER Overview What & why program evaluation Evaluation as research Rules & models Key components Design Challenges
FAIMER Why Program Curriculum Evaluatıon ? To understand changes Make informed decisions about resources Sustain quality of existing programs Document & better understand educational programs & events Educational research
FAIMER Valu E - Valu - ation What is valued? Need data for short loop FB for accreditation to persuade to continue changes
FAIMER Basic Rules Decision-linked research Evaluation to improve Multiple models & methods Co-evolution program evaluation & curriculum
FAIMER Models Of Evaluation CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) Stufflebeam Utilization-Focused Patton Goal free Naturalistic Enquiry Guba & Lincoln Kirkpatrick Logic Model To Improve ~ To Prove
FAIMER Kirkpatrick 4 Levels Evaluation of results (transfer or impact on society Evaluation of behavior (transfer of learning to workplace Evaluation of learning (knowledge or skills acquired Evaluation of reaction (satisfaction or happiness Long-term outcomes Intermediate outcomes Short-term outcomes
FAIMER Embedded Domains Societal Organizational Individual
FAIMER Composite Evaluation Model To improve User-oriented & continuous Decision-linked research Facilitate change Involve everyone Challenge program assumptions Keep change agenda alive Modified Logic Model
FAIMER Modified Logic Model OutcomesLong-termIntermediateShort-term