Goals of Progressive Movement Promotion of Social Welfare (soften effects of industrialism by Social Gospel, settlement house movements, Jane Addams) Promotion of Moral Reform (WCTU promoted prohibition under Frances Willard with the Anti-Saloon League angering immigrants with cultural use of alcohol; education, prison reform, women’s suffrage Creating Economic Reform (criticism of laissez- faire capitalism and competition; socialism in 1900 under Eugene Debs; muckrakers = journalists writing about business corruption) Fostering Efficiency (FW Taylor’s scientific management to make tasks simpler & easier; used by Ford for assembly line production 1913; reduction in work day & increased wages for worker happiness)
Reforms Fairer tax systems Lower fares for transportation & gas Building schools, parks Public meetings Public ownership of gas and water Regulation of railways 1916 no child labor hour workday for men Secret ballot for elections th Amendment – Senators elected by the people
Roosevelt’s Square Deal Theodore Roosevelt VP under McKinley 1900 until McKinley assassinated Youngest president at 42 years Spared a bear cub during a hunt leading to production of “Teddy Bears” Presidency was an opportunity to give common people a “Square Deal” Won easily in 1904 election
Roosevelt’s Reforms 1920 Coal Strike – Roosevelt personally arbitrated the talks leading to a wage increase & reduced workday but not a union only workplace – precedent set for gov’t intervention in strikes
Trustbusting – 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act vague language made enforcement difficult; Roosevelt used it to sue railroads, beef trust, oil trust & tobacco trust
Health Protection – Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle against the meat packing industry – Roosevelt passed 1906 Meat Inspection Act for cleanliness - Pure Food & Drug Act for true labels
Roosevelt & Civil Rights Little support for African American civil rights Appointed black SC customs house head Dismissed rioting regiment of black soldiers in Texas Did not support newly formed National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
William Howard Taft Roosevelt hand-picked his successor in 1908 Democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan for the 3 rd time “Vote for Taft this time – You can vote for Bryan any time.” Taft had quiet successes but was unpopular by Republicans and couldn’t live up to Roosevelt’s reputation
Bull Moose Party Roosevelt went on African safari & returned in 1912 Republican convention nominated Taft Roosevelt supporters held their own convention forming the Progressive Party or Bull Moose Party Direct election of senators, use of referendums, woman suffrage, 8 hour day, minimum wage, no child labor Split in Republican party allowed Woodrow Wilson to win for the Democrats
Wilson’s Reforms 1914 Clayton Antitrust Act strengthened Sherman Antitrust Act – made certain business practices illegal & unions not bound by the act 1913 reduced tariffs but legalized income taxes on incomes over $4000 Modern banking system th Amendment grants women suffrage