1 HST |07|2004
2 Teacher Pack Brochures (to be detailed) One booklet with worksheet and experiments protocols One Cd ( to be detailed) Posters One video or DVD: (cloud chamber or/and other experiment step by step, shorts physicists conferences, discovery of W and Z…) Games ( not too much) Book: The world of particles
3 Color Signification Exist but not useful Need to be improved Ok Need to be created We would like to have
4 Subject of the Brochures 1. CERN: First Laboratory of Particles Physics Research x 2. Solving the Puzzle of the Universe x 3. CERN (general information 2004) x 4. CERN Seeking Uniting… x 5. Applying the Accelerator- industrial applications X 6. Applying the Accelerator- research applications x 7. Applying the accelerator - future applications x 8. WWW x 9. Matter and Antimatter x 10. ALICE x Exist but not useful Need to be improved
5 11. The ATLAS Experiment x 12. LEP x 13. CMS x 14. LHC x 15. MEDIPIX x 16. The Compton Camera x 17.Crystal Clear x Subject of the Brochures (Cont,) Exist but not useful Need to be improved
6 18. Evolution of Universe x 19. Accelerators or how to accelerate particles? x 20. Detectors or how to detect and analyze particles? x 21. Examples of particles interactions x 22. General division of particles x 23. PS, SPS, matter and antimatter or How to generate particles? x 24. LHC b x 25. Bubble chambers or included in detectors? x 26. Applications ( brochures 5,6,7,8,15,16) x 27. Evolution of theories x New brochures Need to be created
7 CERN: First Laboratory of Particles Physics Research 1 + Good, specially the design - Just repeating information with ‘’ CERN seeking..’’ Timeline from brochure number 4 Links to catch more information Should add the Gran Sasso experiment ( written on brochure 4) Need to be improved
8 Solving the Puzzle of the Universe 2 +- Not useful for teachers Exist but not useful Note: A small one focalize teachers interest
9 CERN (general information 2004) 3 +- Not useful for teachers Note: This information already exist in a PowerPoint presentation Exist but not useful
10 CERN Seeking Uniting… 4 + Good ( specially the timeline) - Just some repetitions with ‘‘CERN: first laboratory of research in particles physics’’ -page 1: photos need subtitles Page 4 : need more space Note: Emphasized the timeline, brochures 1 and 4 could be just one Exist but need to be improved
11 Applying the Accelerator- industrial applications 5 + Contents Ok, photos and titles are missing - No good design ( colors, pictures, no photos) Note: New brochure needs to be created with all applications Need to be improved
12 Applying the Accelerator- research applications 6 + Subject good BUT Need photos and titles for every paragraph - No good design ( pictures, colors) Note: New brochure needs to be created with all applications Need to be improved
13 Applying the accelerator - future applications 7 + Good subject - Bad design, not enough colors Should be add some equations of reactions. Need photos and titles Note: New brochure needs to be created with all applications Need to be improved
14 WWW 8 + Good subject - Bad design ( colors, no photos) Note: New brochure needs to be created with all applications Need to be improved
15 Matter and Antimatter 9 + Good subject but we need to be associated with another brochure (as one about standard model, or antimatter fabric or…) - Colors to change Need equations Need photos Need to be improved
16 ALICE 10 + Good subject. - Page 1: Photos need subtitles with small explanations;need a map to localised ALICE in LHC, could add a link to the website (as Atlas brochure) Page2: time of evolution isn’t visible; Page 5 : Photos too smalls; Page 6: Description of detector’s elements is missing. Maybe a Photo would be better; It could be useful to add the characteristics of the magnetic field and compare it with some classroom’s material (i.e solenoid); Need track’s image(like t-shirts). Need to be improved
17 The ATLAS Experiment 11 + Page 2 and 3; Good contents. Links to website - Page 1: not optimistic.. Too dark; We need a better map of LHC ( with Jura and Alpes, and with the design of the LHC tunnel); Page 2 and 3 we need a real photo with description of the elements; Bad visibility of the titles; We need to see the characteristics of the magnetic field in the solenoid, and maybe compare it with a solenoid use in the classroom; Page 4 : photos not useful, maybe a photo of each element could be better; Need to be improved
18 LEP 12 + Useful to know the important discoveries; Maybe could be included in a general brochure about ‘’ how to accelerate a particle’’. - Page 1:Descovery of W and Z aren’t well presented; Paragraph “Mass and energy” should be more detailed in the general brochure “ how to accelerate” or “particles”… Page 2 : should be developed in a general brochure “how to accelerate” with formulas level 18 th; Page 3. Need to be improved
19 CMS 13 + Useful Page 2 and 3 tracks images are good but should be bigger. - Page 1 should be a photo instead an image with information. Page 1 need a photo to localise CMS in the LHC The link to the website should be more precise. Page 2 and 3 we don’t need the image of the signals. Page 4: Text too long. Need to be improved
20 LHC 14 + Useful. - Page 1 needs an attractive photo instead the image and goals should be clear for everybody in order to show how important is to the Humanity; Page 2 and 3 should have real photo and a picture with information ( like the poster). Page 4 must have the information of page 2 and 3 Page: 12, 13,14,15 from the booklet should be included there Table with detectors characteristics, small photo ( Alice,cms,LHCb,Atlas). Need to be improved
21 MEDIPIX 15 + Could be included in the brochure applications - Not useful Need more explanations Exist but not useful
22 The Compton Camera 16 + Should be only in the brochure : Applications - Not useful too specialized for teacher pack Exist but not useful
23 Crystal Clear Should be add in the brochure : Applications - Not useful too specialized for teacher pack Exist but not useful
24 New brochures 18. Evolution of Universe : -Time scale from Big Bang to now -From particles to matter with examples from the power of ten and with the scale in meters. -Standard model (particles,interactions and examples of interactions) 19. “Accelerators”, or” how to accelerate a particle?” -theoretical methods to accelerate particles (action of E, B, frequency). Analogy with television? -Example of the LEP, or linear accelerator,or… -Page from the booklet could be use as an introduction..
25 New brochures 20. “Detectors”, or “how to detect a particle ?” - explanation of properties of particles with kind of interaction in detectors f.ex. Electron has charge so interacts weakly and we can use detector …. (Analogy with television.) -Examples as Bubble chamber, cloud chamber, others… -page from the booklet should be included 21. “Examples of particles interactions” - astro-particle physics with equations of reactions f.ex. Sun Wind, radioactivity.. - artificial particle physics with equations of reaction in LHC, LEP, how to create antiparticles, radioactivity
26 New brochures 22. “General division of particles” Table of - hadrons and leptons. hadrons = mesons + baryons. - With particles properties ( life time, mass, charge…) - Table of units used, scales specially in energy ( page 11 from the booklet ) 23. “How to generate particles?” (PS, SPS), AD,matter and antimatter should be put in together 24. “LHC b” 25. “ Bubble chambers” ( see other subgroup) - could be included in the brochure “ detectors”
27 New brochures 26. “Applications” should be very impressive to insist about the benefits we can receive from fundamental research. -www, grid -Medical applications, PET ( see other group) -Applications expected -Technological applications ( superconductivity, microelectronics) 27. Evolution of theories - Small timeline from classical mechanics to modern theories with historical experiments
28 Booklet (we would like) Page: 2 – 9, glossary, worksheets (particles, standard model, accelerators, bubble chambers, astroparticle and artificial physics, microcosm) Experiments (cloud chambers, Heisenberg incertitude, ….) Transparencies (LHC, SM, accelerators, detectors, applications) Need to be improved
29 Booklet (already done) + Page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,23,24,25 to keep Format A4 good ( for photocopies) - Page: 10,11,12,13 should be included in brochures about LHC Page : 14,15,16, 17 should be in a new brochure “ detectors” Page 18 should be included in the brochure AA Page 19, 20, 21 should be separate and put in the teacher pack. We need one page with summary of the Cd and all links to brochures Need to be improved
30 Booklet Contents 1/2 subject pagetransparenciesWorksheetExperiments Practical information X Bubble chambers xx Examples of particles interactions x Evolution of universe x Accelerators x Glossary x Cloud chambers x Microcosm exhibition x
31 Booklet Contents 2/2 subject pagetransparenciesWorksheetExperiments LHC x Applications x Standard model x accelerators x detectors x General division of particles x
32 Cd PPT : summary of brochures, “1- 28” ( from detailed list ) Flash animations “1, 5, 7,12,22, 24, 25” Video “2, 3,5,9” Booklet on Cd posters(?) Need to be improved
33 Cd Contents 1/2 subject PPTVideo or Flash animation LectureWorksheet Or questionnaire What is CERN? X LHC XX ALICE X ATLAS X CMS X CHC b X Evolution of universe XXXX Accelerators XX Detectors X
34 CD contents 2/2 Subject pptFlash animation or video LecturesWorksheet or question nary General division of particles x PS, SPS, matter and antimatter x LHC b x Bubble chambers xx Applications xx Evolution of theories x Examples of particles interactions xx Microcosm exhibition xx
35 Posters Photo Jura and Alpes with LHC Table of particles From Universe to quarks Detector Accelerator Picture from bubble chamber ( black and white) Need to be improved
36 Poster le Prix Nobel de Physique well done BUT - too specialized Not enough attracting Exist but not useful
37 Calendar +- Not attractive Should be bigger if use in the laboratory or classroom Note: Schools received a lot of this kinds of calendars so, to be used should be impressive Exist but not useful
38 Total of 14 brochures ( or 15 or 16) Photos instead of design Difficulty: not to repeat too much an other brochure Need brochures about “basic physics” NEXT STEP: Worksheet using physics from high school with examples from the CERN.
39 Francoise Certier Manuela Amaral Marta Czech Photo Courtesy Bo