Teaching Compliance Sugai, 1997
Everyone please open your science workbooks When I say everyone, that means you Betsy The direction is to open your book NOW Approaches Betsy, Put that away right now… You’ve just earned time with me at recess Stands over Betsy, You leave this class immediately Working on spelling assignment I’m almost done…go ahead, I’ll be right there Stop picking on me, can’t you see I’m working Pushes spelling onto floor. Are you satisfied? Grabs materials, slams open, rips page. Now look at what you made me do! I’m outta here. Flips off the teacher and leaves
Understanding Noncompliant/Defiant Behavior What can happen when students engage in noncompliance? –Avoids having to comply –Gets teacher attention –Escapes immediate tasks –Gets peer attention
What can happen when teachers confront noncompliant behavior? –Gets student’s attention –Student is removed –Gets peer attention –Avoids having to teach student
Assumptions Noncompliant & escalated behavior are learned. Compliance & noncompliance require more than one person. Escalations are shaped through successive interactions (practice).
Teaching Compliance Students must –Be fluent at the expected behavior. –Be taught the conditions under which the expected behavior is required. –Have multiple opportunities for high rates of successful academic & social engagement. –Receive or experience frequent & positive acknowledgments when expected behavior is exhibited.
Teachers must… –Have the student’s attention, before presenting the directive or making a request. –Give clear & specific directives that are stated positively. –Provide frequent & positive acknowledgments when expected behavior is exhibited. –Have established & taught consequence procedures for repeated noncompliance.
Responding to Escalations See flow chart & consider the following tactics… Disengage as soon as noncompliant behavior is observed. Provide reasonable alternatives for compliance. Move directly to bottom-line after first noncompliant response. Follow established consequence procedures if noncompliance continues.
Cont. Focus attention of students who are appropriately engaged. Conduct functional assessment to understand student & teacher behavior. Establish precorrection procedures for next compliance opportunity based on functional assessment information.
Resources Precorrect worksheets
Responding to Infrequent/Minor Problem Behavior Redirect Attend to others Reinforce desirable Give reasonable options
Correct proactively –Signal –State expected behavior –Request restatement/demonstration by student of expected behavior –Provide positive reinforcement
Precorrect for Chronic Behaviors Provide prompt in problem context before problem behavior occurrence (worksheet) Steps –Go to problem context –Get attention of student –Provide precorrection (reminder/opportunity to practice expected behavior) –Watch –Reinforce appropriate response