What is Stress and Well-being? Stress: Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness Well-being: Well-being describes our happiness, confidence, physical condition and general outlook on life.
Signs of Stress Trouble concentrating Hard time making decisions Frequent headaches and easily angered Feeling tired and worn out all the time Regret for decisions you made or didn’t make Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
Causes of Workplace Stress Two sources: Psychological External
Common sources of Daily Stress Pace of life too fast Phone calls or s Too much to do in little time Traffic or commuting School or homework Finances and bills
Common Ways of Coping With Stress Manage our emotions Try not to bottle your emotions up as well as lashing out at others. Focus on the positives Focus on strength rather than weaknesses Make a plan of action Identify problem-select goal-Brainstorm-Consider pros & cons-Choose best solution- evaluate efforts Take care of our relationships Try not to confront others or co-workers in a mean or rude manner. Distraction Hobbies, Watching TV s or Movies, Vacation, exercise
Key Definitions of Stress Eustress: It’s “positive stress” (Good stress) that makes you feel good and gives a feeling of contentment. Distress: “Negative stress” caused by unfavorable events (Bad stress) Stressor: An environmental condition, an external stimulus that triggers stress
Can Stress be a Good Thing? It can have a positive impact on health if we deal with it as a personal challenge It can have a positive impact on health if we counter it with healthy behaviors that enhance our situation Examples of Healthy Reactions Towards Stress: You can exercise in response to stress Stress can improve the quality of your work