Bell Ringer Bone trivia questions – Write down your answer 1. How many bones are in the human body at adulthood? 2. Which bone is the longest and strongest in the human skeleton? 3. Which bone is the smallest and lightest in the human body? 4. What is the most commonly broken bone among adults? Children? 5. Which area of the body has the most bones? 6. How many bones are you born with?
Skeletal System Lesson 1 Introduction
Objectives Content Objective: The students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of various bones, in order to reconstruct and label the medical names for bones on a skeleton; demonstrated both through teacher observation and a worksheet. Language Objective: The students will be able to dictate the medical names for the bones, using the powerpoint as reference, while discussing where each bone belongs in the body with a partner and with the class, identified through teacher observation.
Finding a Partner Activity Expectation: All students will participate in and contribute to their chosen group. Directions: You have one minute to find a group or decide if you want to work individually. Only 3 people in a small group. Each person in your group will complete their own worksheet.
Bone Activity This activity will be completed with your small group or individually. Directions : 1. Each person will fill out their own worksheet. 2. Each small group/individual will receive a broken skeleton to reconstruct. 3. Look at the shape and characteristics of each of the bones. Discuss the characteristics with your group in order to determine where each bone is positioned in your body. Try to feel the shape of the bones in your body to compare. 4. On your worksheet, draw each individual bone, write it’s medical name and the common name along with 3 characteristics that separate it from the other bones.. Examples: Rounded at the end to fit into a joint 5. When you think you have successfully reconstructed the skeleton, see if you can place the medical name with the correct bone. When you Finish : 1. Discuss ways to remember the medical names that you had a difficult time identifying Grading : points for completing all parts of the worksheet 2. Participation points for remaining on task in your group
Class Discussion What bone (using the medical name) do you think this is? What characteristic made you believe it was this bone? Did you use previous knowledge to make the connection? What is a method that can help you memorize it’s medical name?
Number 1, 2a and 2b Cranium Image 2a. Maxilla 2b. Mandible
Number 3 Clavicle Image
Number 4 and 5 5. Ribs Image 4. Sternum
Number 6 Humerus Image
Number 7 & 8 8. Ulna 7. Radius Image
Numbers 9 & Pelvis 10. Sacrum
Numbers 11, 12 & Carpals 13. Phalanges Image 12. Metacarpals
Numbers 14 & Femur Image 15. Patella
Numbers 16 & Fibula 16. Tibia Image
Numbers 18, 19, 27 & Tarsals 19. Phalanges 28. Calcaneus 18. Metatarsals
Number Scapula
Numbers 21, 22, 10, 24 & 25
Closure Questions Self-asses – Which bone(s) do you think you will have a difficult time remembering their location? Can you create a way to remember them? Self-asses – Which bone(s) do you think will be difficult to remember the name(s) of? Can you create a way to remember?