New Teacher September 24, 2015 LESSON FRAMING
Classroom Issues What is your biggest issue in your classroom? 1.The facilitator announces a topic, states how long each student will share, and provides think time. 2.In pairs, Teacher A shares; Teacher B listens. 3.Teacher B responds with a positive gambit. 4.Teachers switch roles. “Thanks for sharing!” “You are interesting to listen to!” “One thing I learned listening to you was…” “I enjoyed listening to you because…” “Your most interesting idea was…” GAMBITS
Classroom Issues Complete the CHAMPS Classroom Activity Teacher Worksheet for your biggest issue in your classroom.
Today’s Lesson Frame We will review the components of creating a quality lesson frame. I will write a reflection including one thing I discovered or one way my knowledge was reinforced regarding lesson framing.
Introducing your lesson frame At the start of each class how do you include your frame in introducing your lesson? Continuous RoundRobin 1.Teacher poses a problem to which there are multiple possible responses and provides think time. 2.Students take turns stating responses. For a continuous RoundRobin, keep going until the teacher instructs to stop.
We Will…. Think of this from the students viewpoint. The “We Will” statement is HOW you are going to teach the TEKS each day. It should be in student-friendly language over what is being taught that day.
Closing Task: I will… The “I Will” statement clearly states how the student will demonstrate his or her understanding of the learning objective in 5 minutes or less. 85% of these should be written tasks. What will the students produce to let you know they got it?
What types of closing tasks do you use when writing the “I will” statement? 1.The teacher announces a topic, states how long each student will share, and provides think time. 2.In pairs, Partner A shares; Partner B listens. 3.Partner B responds with a positive gambit. 4.Partners switch roles. “Thanks for sharing!” “You are interesting to listen to!” “One thing I learned listening to you was…” “I enjoyed listening to you because…” “Your most interesting idea was…” GAMBITS