Beneficial Insects By: Marcie Baldiviez
Are all insects pests? Not all insects are pests, in fact, many insects can be very beneficial to all of us! NO!!!
What is a Beneficial Insect? Insects that prey on harmful pests in the home & in agriculture production.
Who do they benefit??? Farmers Homeowners Nurseries YOU!!!
How do they benefit ??? Save Money $$$ Improve plant quality Decrease pesticide use Strengthen plants Maintain healthy plants Pollination Save time
2 Types of Beneficial Insects Predators Parasites
Predators Organisms that kill & feed on their prey Generally larger than their prey Consume several-to-many prey over the course of their development
Parasites Parasites Generally smaller to the same size as their hosts Weaker than their prey Lay eggs on or within a host insect Immature larva use host for food over time A parasite will use only one or a few insects for food
So who is beneficial??? Praying Mantis LacewingsGround Beetle Ladybug Honey Bee Small Wasps Assassin Bug Stinkbug
Praying Mantis Predator Sits & waits Grabs prey with their modified front legs Eats many pests Change color according to their environment
Ladybug Both adult & larvae ladybug are beneficial Prey on aphids Scales Mites Reduce Infestation
Ground Beetle Common under logs & debris Feed on a variety of insects Feeds on caterpillars that attack trees & shrubs!!!
Lacewing Both adults & larvae are predacious Feed on aphids, scales, mealybugs, mites, & insect eggs Found in grass, weeds, & on tree foliage Can eat 100 or more insects a day!!!
Honey Bee Great Pollinator Produces honey & beeswax Protects against pests
Assassin Bug Preys on other insects! Characterized by the elongated, narrow head with the 3 segmented beak folded under the head
Small Wasps & Stink Bug Very Small Preys on small pests Feeds on insects Characterized by disagreeable odor *Can be a pest to crops Wasp Stink Bug
Review of Beneficial Insects Benefit – Farmer & Homeowner Kill pests & Pollinate There are 2 types- Predators & Parasites A few examples are: Ladybug, Lacewing, & Honey Bee
The End Resources ology/ornamentals/beneficials.html ology/ornamentals/beneficials.html ology/ornamentals/beneficials.html ets/benefici/ ets/benefici/ ets/benefici/ yg/hyg-14.htm yg/hyg-14.htm yg/hyg-14.htm And Remember….Beneficial Insects are our Friends!!!