Control Systems Design Part: Optimisation Slovak University of Technology Faculty of Material Science and Technology in Trnava 2007
Control Process Optimisation Optimisation Process control loop structure design optimum criteria selection optimum control parameters computation control process simulation control parameters refinement control process quality evaluation documentation production ...SAT
Control Process Optimisation control process quality control process stability steady state - process variable deviation dynamic control process overshooting time of control process t reg integral criteria f(dev) non oscillation control processes
Control Process Optimisation control process stability characteristic polynomial characteristic polynomial roots negative part of complex roots! degree of the stability critical parameters single control loop with P controller critical GAIN critical period T kr
Control Process Optimisation steady state - process variable deviation should be = 0; Deviation = Set Point - Process the P controller problem: GAIN has to be as large as possible; (!) stability violation for higher order systems else process deviation = I part of controller; destabilisation of control loop stability versus quality - solution is compromise
Control Process Optimisation Dynamic control process optimisation standard forms of a characteristic polynomial Ziegler Nichols method method of optimum module methods of integral criterions
Dynamic control process optimisation standard forms of a characteristic polynomial Naslin form of characteristic polynomial is according the i = 1,2,.... n-1
Dynamic control process optimisation standard forms of a characteristic polynomial Naslin form of characteristic polynomial The parameter depends on the chosen overshooting x max according the table: x max
Dynamic control process optimisation standard forms of a characteristic polynomial Graham - Lathrop form
Dynamic control process optimisation Ziegler Nichols method input data: GAIN cr - critical gain T cr - critical period measured or computed at the stability boundary of the single control loop with P - controller
Dynamic control process optimisation Ziegler Nichols method
Dynamic control process optimisation method of optimum module The transfer function of a controlled system is supposed in the form The control parameters are for the ideal parallel PID algorithm r 0, r -1 and r 1 :
Dynamic control process optimisation method of optimum module PI controller
Dynamic control process optimisation method of optimum module PID controller
Dynamic control process optimisation methods of integral criterions IAE Integral of Absolute Error ITAE Integral of Absolute Error multiplied by Time Dynamic system approximation by K, T and D:
Dynamic control process optimisation methods of integral criterions IAE: A B
Dynamic control process optimisation methods of integral criterions ITAE: AB
Dynamic control process optimisation methods of integral criterions For GAIN For time constants For Ti For Td
Dynamic control process optimisation half dumping criterion
Dynamic control process optimisation half dumping criterion Dynamic system approximation by K, T and D:
Control Process Optimisation half dumping criterion PI controller: Auxiliary parameter For GAIN For integral time constant Ti
Control Process Optimisation half dumping criterion PID controller: Auxiliary parameter For GAIN For integral time constant Ti For derivative time constant Td