Any bread product made that does not contain yeast
Because you don’t have to wait for the dough to rise (as with yeast)
Muffins Biscuits Banana Bread Pancakes Donuts Dumplings Waffles
Good flavour Tender crumb Moistness Even grain ◦ Holes distributed evenly Good color Good shape
Each Ingredient Serves a Vital Function Flour Liquid Leavening Agent Eggs Sugar Shortening/Butter/Oil (fat)
Loaded with starch and some protein ◦ Starch: Color and Flavor Carbohydrates (85-95% of flour mass) fat Protein Starch
Flavor Some Structure
Protein provides structure of bread (15-5%) Protein in Flour is Called Gluten Gluten Man
Provides structure to baked good ◦ Activated when liquid is mixed with flour Gluten= Strength The more you work gluten, the stronger it becomes ◦ Work = Stirring, kneading, tossing
Causes Baked Goods To Rise
Cause Chemical Reactions Releases Carbon Dioxide ◦ Creates air pockets in baked goods
Must be combined with acid to make bubbles ◦ Lemon juice, buttermilk, yogurt Must be baked ASAP or it will loose bubbles
Reacts 2 times: ◦ Once when it hits liquid ◦ Once when it’s heated
Protein ◦ strengthens structure Leavening: ◦ Heat + egg = Steam ◦ Trapped steam=leavening Enriches product ◦ Makes product richer Eggwash Makes outsides glossy
Adds sweetness Allows for browning of product (carbohydrates carmelize)
Adds ◦ Tenderness ◦ Texture Solid fat responsible for the “flake” in biscuits and pie
Acts as a binder Gets the leavening agent going activates gluten power
Pour Batter Drop Batter Soft Dough
Pancakes, waffles, popovers ◦ Liquid and pour- able
Muffins, Loaf breads Cannot handle with hands Thicker than pour batter
Biscuits, Scones, Dumplings you can handle with floured hands
Measure Exactly and Correctly ◦ Recipes are formulas for success ◦ Use the right measure device
Mix ingredients QUICKLY and ONLY ENOUGH to blend If you OVERMIX, you will have a ◦ Tough product ◦ Product that has failed to rise ◦ Crappy Quickbread ◦ Lumps are GOOD
Use the Right Mixing Method
#1 The creaming method #2 The 2-Bowl Method #3 Pastry Method
Step 1: Beat Solid fat with sugar ◦ beat until SUPER light and Fluffy (usually 3-5 minutes) Step 2: Add Eggs ◦ One at a time until totally incorperated Step 3: Alternate flour (+dry stuff) with liquid
Tender, fluffy, cake like
After you add the flour, mixture is over beaten ◦ Stop mixing before you think you should Lumps are Good
Crepes, pancakes, waffles, some muffins
1 bowl Wet ◦ Liquid, eggs, fat Add to 1 Bowl Dry ◦ Flour, salt, sugar, leavening Whisk Wet mixture into dry until it is just blended
Over-mixing: Why Bad? ◦ Protein is over -developed and prevents quickbread from full rising Tough product
Steps: 1. Solid fat cut into dry ingredients 2. Cold liquid stirred in 3. Gently stirred then kneaded to form dough 4. Cut into shapes
Fat is broken up into small pieces coated with flour Two reasons: Tender + Flaky ◦ Tender: Flour coated with fat cannot fully develop gluten tenderness ◦ Flaky: Cold fat separates flour gluten into layers These are the Flakes
Overworking dough ◦ Too warm, fat too distributed Leads to flake-less not flake-full crust Hockey pucks