Madrid, 15th June rd SG Meeting South Gas Regional Initiative
2 3nd SG meeting S-GRI- Agenda I. 11:00 – 11:10 Opening: approval of the agenda. (for approval) Welcome Approval of the agenda and the last meeting minutes II. 11:10-11:30 Welcome to the Portuguese representatives to the South Gas Regional Initiative III. 11:30 – 12:10 Priority 1: Presentation on future interconnection infrastructures between France- Spain until 2015 (action 2). TSO’s presentation. (for information and discussion) Infrastructure description Capacities in both directions IV. 12:10 – 12:50 Priority 2: Presentation on the study of practical cases of transit between France an Spain (action 4). Stakeholders presentation. (for information and discussion) V. 12:50 – 13:30 Priority 3: Presentation on the study of the existing level of transparency and future or further capacity needs by the market (action 6). Regulators presentation. (for information and discussion) VI. Further actions: action plan VII. Next meetings VIII. AOB
3 III. PRIORITY 1. Interconnection capacity III. PRIORITY 1. Interconnection capacity Presentation by TSO’s of the second part of the Study PRIORITY 1. Interconnection capacity TSO’s of countries involved in this Regional Initiative should coordinate in order to establish the map of capacity for the next years. They will undertake actions 1 and 2, assisted, where necessary, by SG members. The results of their work will provide RCC with valuable information in order to decide on further measures (action 3) to make possible the development of new infrastructure and to maximize the use of the capacity. Action 1. Analysis of the current status of the interconnection infrastructures. (France-Spain) TSO’sNovember 2006 IG - 11 th Dec. 06 Action 2. Analysis of the future interconnection infrastructures need. (France-Spain) TSO’s, with the support of SG. 1st part : SG - 6th Feb. 07 2nd part ( ): SG - 15th Jun. 07 Action 3. Decision on further actions to make possible new infrastructure projects, further actions to manage possible congestions, taking into account the functions and powers of each regulator RCC in close coordination with IG To be determined DONE
4 All documents will be published in ERGEG web page unless confidentiality would be asked Reactions to the document are welcome from Stakeholders before 29th June 2007 III. PRIORITY 1. Interconnection capacity III. PRIORITY 1. Interconnection capacity Presentation by TSO’s of the second part of the Study
5 PRIORITY 2. Interoperability Analysis of the possible interoperability problems, by the means of the study of practical cases of transit among the three countries France – Spain, Portugal – Spain. This should reveal the main interoperability problems that may hamper the efficient trade between countries. From the information gathered from the previous action, IG members should elaborate an action plan to solve the concrete interoperability obstacles identified. Action 4. Study of practical cases of transit, with the aim to identify possible interoperability problems France-Spain 4.2 Portugal-Spain SG members with support from RCC 4.1 France – Spain Start - SG - 6th Feb. 07 SG - 15th June Portugal – Spain To be determined Action 5. Study and action plan to solve interoperability problems, taking into account the result of the previous action IGJune 2007 (agreement on action plan France- Spain) IV. PRIORITY 2. Interoperability IV. PRIORITY 2. Interoperability Presentation by Stakeholders of the Interoperability Study
6 All documents will be published in ERGEG web page unless confidentiality would be asked Reactions to the document are welcome from Stakeholders before 29th June 2007 IV. PRIORITY 2. Interoperability IV. PRIORITY 2. Interoperability Presentation by Stakeholders of the Interoperability Study
7 PRIORITY 3. Transparency Taking advantage of the work undertaken by ERGEG Transparency TF and shippers point of view, regulators will identify main transparency requirements in transport, LNG and storages. Action 6. Study of the existing level of transparency and future or further capacity needs by the market RCC (with the support or IG and SG members) SG - 15th June 2007 Action 7. Action plan for the publication of information by TSO’s, LNG operators and storage operators IG SG - 15th June 2007 V. PRIORITY 3. Transparency V. PRIORITY 3. Transparency Presentation by Regulators of the Transparency Study
8 All documents will be published in ERGEG web page unless confidentiality would be asked Reactions to the document are welcome from Stakeholders before 29th June 2007
9 PRIORITY 1: INTERCONNECTION A) FRANCE - SPAIN Comments on the document. Deadline 29th June TSO’s will complete the studies with the necessary investments for the infrastructures proposed (including a summary table with the list of all the infrastructures, foreseen dates, capacity, main characteristics-length, diameters, pressures, power in CS…- and the economical investment for each one). Deadline: 10th July TSO’s and regulators should elaborate a harmonized action plan to develop the necessary infrastructures in a coordinated way and to decide on the capacity allocation mechanism. Deadline: 30th Sept. VI. Further actions
10 PRIORITY 1: INTERCONNECTION (cont.) B) PORTUGAL-SPAIN Portuguese and Spanish TSO’s should perform a study on interconnections needs, similar to the French-Spanish study. Analysis of current status of interconnection infrastructure. Deadline: 30th September Analysis of future interconnection infrastructure need. Deadline: ?th ?2007 The Regulators should elaborate a harmonized action plan to develop the necessary infrastructures in a coordinated way, if needed, and to decide on the capacity allocation mechanism. Deadline: ? VI. Further actions
11 PRIORITY 2:INTEROPERABILITY A) FRANCE - SPAIN Comments on the document. Deadline 29th June Stakeholders to identify concrete interoperability needs. Deadline mid July Regulators and TSO’s to carry on an action plan to solve interoperability problems, taking into account the result of the Stakeholders action. Deadline end Sept. Stakeholders to carry on with more interoperability issues between France and Spain ? To extend the study to the Portugal-Spain interconnections. ? VI. Further actions
12 PRIORITY 3: TRANSPARENCY Comments on the document. Deadline 29th June Consultation to shippers on their views on the existing level of transparency and reasonable transparency needs for further progress: VI. Further actions 1. Is the existent degree of transparency at any infrastructure enough to develop your activities? 2. If not, list the additional information requirements that you think you need for the adequate development of your activities (what). 3. Justify/motivate why and how the lack of transparency (according to the items identified in the previous question) could be an obstacle for the regional market development. 4. Is the way in which the information is presented adequate to your needs (ease to access, find, understand, etc.)? Specify how do you think it is the best way to make the information public. 5. When do you think this information should be available? Deadline: end July
13 PRIORITY 3: TRANSPARENCY (cont) TSO’s to implement gas regulation: After issuing the consultation process to the shippers, in a second step, the regulators should agree an action plan with infrastructure operators in order to definitely avoid that transparency be a barrier for the creation of a regional gas market. Deadline: mid Sept. Improvements in transparency to be implemented after taking into consideration shipper’s proposal: Once identify the concrete transparency requirements, not yet in place, and the additional reasonable transparency request from stakeholders, each national regulator will undertake the necessary actions to urge the infrastructure operators to publish this information, as soon as possible (see sample of actions): Deadline: end Sept. VI. Further actions
14 8 th March Agreement at Governments level: ”Plan to reconcile the regulation on the energy sector between Portugal and Spain” MIBEL. Long past history. Last steps to organize a Iberian electricity market MIBGAS. Both Governments have decided to create several working groups in order to develop a true Iberian Gas Market and, taking into account the significant LNG capacity in the Peninsula, to create an Iberian hub at international level. Key issues: REGULATORS: CNE and ERSE to identify the principles for the MIBGAS organization TSO’s: REN and ENAGAS to design an investment plan for increasing the interconnection and storage capacity. GOVERNMENTS: To design a general agreement on gas natural reserves for security of supply reasons. 5th Priority of the S-GRI: Development of hubs VI. Further actions
15 How to go together - integrate the MIBGAS inside the South – GRI? To comply with the Governments agreement To comply with ERGEG engagement with the GRI To create a true Internal Energy Market Time schedule VI. Further actions
16 VI. Next meetings End September: IG meeting France - Spain Interconnection: Final investment document and Capacity Allocation Mechanisms agreement. Interoperability: Implementation of the interoperability action plan. Transparency: publication of missed/additional transparency requirements. Portugal - Spain Interconnection: Current status of infrastructures presentation Next SG meeting: In October (Mibgas organization, implementation of interoperability and transparency requirements…)
17 Thank you very much for participating! 3rd SG meeting S-GRI