Acceptable Use Policy==Safe and responsible users
Hoover City Schools Elementary Handbook Hoover City Schools Elementary Handbook “The primary goal of the technology environment is to support the educational and instructional endeavors of students and employees of Hoover City Schools. Use of any and all technology resources is a privilege and not a right.” HCS Elementary School Handbook, p.45 HCS Elementary School Handbook, p.45 go to – click Parent Resources on the left side of the page, this will take you to a page that provides the Elementary Handbook as the first option.) “The primary goal of the technology environment is to support the educational and instructional endeavors of students and employees of Hoover City Schools. Use of any and all technology resources is a privilege and not a right.” HCS Elementary School Handbook, p.45 HCS Elementary School Handbook, p.45 go to – click Parent Resources on the left side of the page, this will take you to a page that provides the Elementary Handbook as the first option.) Where can I find Hoover’s AUP?
Safe… Staying vigilant and up to date is the first step for adult educators and caregivers to help children stay safe and understand how to utilize technology resources effectively. Click Link
Keep the family computer in a family room. Spend time with your child both online and off line. If online material is offensive to you, take the time to teach your child your values. Explain to your child why you believe the material is wrong and the harm you believe that it might cause. Purchase a filtering software program. There are a number of programs that filter and block access to adult Internet sites. You can use these programs to assist in your supervision of your child. Be aware that these programs may also filter out material which you find desirable. Monitor your credit card bill. Inquire into child accounts. Know your child’s passwords. Some online services have special accounts especially geared for children, with restricted access to chat rooms and the Internet. Tell your child not to play with strangers. The Internet version of this means never tell a stranger personal information. Teach your child to never give out your address, your phone number, or any personal information. Use a nick name Footprints….. Helpful hints for parents to help keep your child safe online
All of the topics below can be found
Child’s Signature_____________________ Let’s Make a Deal
Use Netiquette -Be polite to others online just as you would off-line. If someone treats you rudely or meanly - do not respond. Online bullies are just like off-line ones - they WANT you to answer (don't give them the satisfaction). Taken from
Tell your child not to respond to rude s, messages, and comments. Save the evidence, take note of the date and time. If harassment is via , social networking sites, IM, and chat rooms, instruct your child to “block” bullies or delete your child’s current account and open a new one. If harassment is via text and phone messages, change the phone number and instruct your child to only share the new number with trustworthy people. Also, check out phone features that may allow the number to be blocked. Never give out or share personal information (PIN), Personal information includes your name, the names of friends or family, your address, phone number, school name (or team name if you play sports). Personal info also includes pictures of yourself and your address. Ask permission before sharing any information with a website, a "chat buddy" and even when registering a product purchased for your computer (like a game). Passwords are secret. Don’t believe everything you read Never send a message to others when you are angry Wait until you have had time to calm down and think. Never open a message from someone you don’t know. If it doesn’t look or “feel right”, it probably isn’t. Trust your instincts. You don’t have to be “Always on”. Spend time with your family and friends off line. Tips to protect your child from Cyberbullies…taken from Getnetwise
"Everyone has the right to be respected and the responsibility to respect others“….
I am happy to share this PowerPoint to make it easier to click and link to the websites addressed in this presentation. My is I also plan to place links on my website. Please call me if I can assist you. Jennifer Porter