The economic situation in Poland
PKB of Poland
PKB per Capita Poland ranks 24th place among the 27 EU countries in terms of GDP per capita in 2011, the Polish GDP per capita stood at only 64% of the EU average.
HDI In the latest published by the UNDP Human Development Index Poland ranks 39th place among 187 classified countries. Compared to last year, our country has moved up two positions ahead of Portugal and Bahrain (the same value as the index reached Poland, Lithuania, directly in front of us were Hungarians.)
Unemployment in Poland. The number of unemployed registered in labor offices at the end of January 2013 amounted to thousand. Persons or 6.17%. In Poland, the amount of unemployment depends on the source of information, and so according to other sources at the end of January, it was 14.2%.
Public debt The estimated size of the public debt, net of exchange rate fluctuations, rising out of zł billion at end-June 2012 to billion zł at the end of December 2012, an increase of more than 44.7 million zł per day, 1.9 million zł per hour and zł per second. The estimates were made assuming a fixed exchange rate of September 13, 2012 (4.11 zł / EUR).? Public debt per 1 inhabitant growing zł at the end of June 2012 to 22 zł at the end of December As the number of Polish citizens were adopted by the Central Statistical Office published the results of the census usually resident population (37.2 million people in 2011).
Average wages in Poland Average monthly gross wagesand salaries in enterprise sector PLN Average monthly gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector (excluding payments from profit): 3722 PLN The average monthly salary in thenational economy: PLN