MAR-ECO: PATTERNS AND PROCESSES OF THE ECOSYSTEMS OF THE NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC after Garrison, 1993 Ridge-associated non-vent macro-and megafauna
The target area of MAR-ECO is the mid- ocean North Atlantic. A spin-off project is being developed in the South Atlantic based on experience in the North. This effort has currently no ship-time commitments! Scope of Project NOAA
Preliminary Synthesis Conclusions Ridge fauna mixture of elements from east and west, but no strong cross-ridge difference Ridge fauna mixture of elements from east and west, but no strong cross-ridge difference Species composition strongly depth-related both in pelagic and benthic zones. Species composition strongly depth-related both in pelagic and benthic zones.
Preliminary Synthesis Conclusions Latitudinal diversity and distribution patterns reflect watermass distributions. Latitudinal diversity and distribution patterns reflect watermass distributions. Strong influence of hydrographical frontal zones. Strong influence of hydrographical frontal zones. Concentration of benthopelagic nekton at ridge slopes. Concentration of benthopelagic nekton at ridge slopes. Many species have full life cycles on ridge. Self-sustaining populations? Many species have full life cycles on ridge. Self-sustaining populations?
Diversity What is the number of known / named species in your realm or project domain? How many might remain to be discovered (and how did you reach that estimate)?
Diversity Promachoteuthis sloani Young, Vecchione & Piatkowski Byrkjedal and Orlov, 2007 Cottunculus tubulosus Photo: A. Orlov Altelitepes falkenhaugae Croznier and Vereschaka, 2007 Paraliparis nigellus Chernova and Møller, 2007
Abundance There is elevated abundance near the seabed, and in oceanographic frontal zones.There is elevated abundance near the seabed, and in oceanographic frontal zones. Insufficient basis for global or regional estimates of abundance of ridge fauna. Insufficient basis for global or regional estimates of abundance of ridge fauna. Current efforts are short-term and limited in spatial scale and do not provide knowledge on seasonal variation except in few locations using long-term lander observatories. Current efforts are short-term and limited in spatial scale and do not provide knowledge on seasonal variation except in few locations using long-term lander observatories. Current cruises will provide abundance data and flux data Current cruises will provide abundance data and flux data for frontal zone area of particular interest. Abundance estimation is not trivial for any pelagic or demersal taxa inhabiting deep mid-ocean ridge waters. Abundance estimation is not trivial for any pelagic or demersal taxa inhabiting deep mid-ocean ridge waters.
Distribution For known species most important to your project, what major discoveries have been made about their range or distribution? What is least known with regards to their distribution that you would like to know? MAR-ECO has faunal, not single species focus. Taxon-specific accounts already published for most major taxa. Population genetics project ongoing. Basin-wide analyses for some taxa.
Visualization & Communication The mid- ocean North Atlantic surrounded by MAR-ECO images illustrating the diversity of organisms and technologies and methods required to gain new baseline knowledge Illustration compiled by T. Wenneck, photos by D. Shale and MAR-ECO partners.
Visualization & Communication After Priede et al What is the significance of mid-ocean ridges for the ocean- wide patterns of species composition, abundance and production?
Visualization & Communication Diversity of efforts and products Interactive presentation of deep-sea biology and project activity. Google Earth (or Oceans) allowing public to visit study sites to view ROV dives, images, texts MAR-ECO module of CoML animation project. Animated ROV dive to spectacular ridge sites, including underwater footage. And then: documentaries, popular books, website etc.
Results have contributed to defining high-seas habitats and communities in need of protection. Information used as basis for new proposals. Results were used in e.g. ICES WGs to evaluate closed areas and MPA proposals to NEAFC and OSPAR. Societal Impact of Results to Date Proposal from Norway being considered by NEAFC. Areas closed to bottom-touching gears. Source: NEAFC
Limits to Knowledge Unknown but knowable: 1.seasonal and interannual variation in species composition and ranges. 2.understanding of relative significance of different production processes. 3.scale and significance of human impacts. Optical and acoustical observatory technology and advanced long-term samplers may enhance understanding of production processes. Other items require repeated observation programmes with comprehensive sampling efforts.