Summary of Outcomes of Approval & Monitoring Activities Lesley Barrowman Senior Professional Officer, NIPEC
Approval & Monitoring of NMC Regulated Prog Implementation of new NMC QA Framework (April 2005) Updated policy for monitoring practice placement audit to include a section dealing with difficulties that arise between audits Appointment of 7 NIPEC Expert Education Partners Developing new Joint Validation Procedures Developing procedures to approve programmes not jointly validated
Approval of NMC Regulated Programmes Programmes approved between October 2004 and September 2005 were: Post-Graduate Certificate in Education for Nurses, Midwives and Specialist Community Public Health Nurses provided by the University of Ulster BSc(Hons)/Post-Graduate Diploma in Community Public Health Nursing provided by the University of Ulster All programmes currently approved for delivery in Northern Ireland can be viewed on the NIPEC web-site
Monitoring of NMC Regulated Programmes NIPEC samples a range of programmes in each monitoring year to meet NMC and DHSSPS requirements. In this monitoring year this involved: Adult and Learning Disability Nursing: Pre- Registration and Post-registration Pre-registration Midwifery (three year and shortened) Nurse Prescribing Return to Practice (nursing and midwifery)
Summary of Outcomes of Monitoring NMC Regulated Programmes Findings are generally positive and indicative of a good level of satisfaction External examiners expressed high levels of satisfaction across all programmes Practice of skills in simulated settings in preparation for the real world of practice continues to develop
Areas for Enhancement & Action variability in the quality of mentor support noted across all programmes NIPEC variability in the quality of mentor support noted across all programmes Difficulties in link lecturer support for community settings Difficulties in link lecturer support for community settings Difficulties in securing mentors for specialist practice students in highly specialised areas Difficulties in securing mentors for specialist practice students in highly specialised areas
Areas for Enhancement & Action strengthening links with Local Supervising Authorities for all midwifery programmes NIPEC strengthening links with Local Supervising Authorities for all midwifery programmes For the three year midwifery programme, some initial difficulties were experienced when students were in areas receiving them for the first time For the three year midwifery programme, some initial difficulties were experienced when students were in areas receiving them for the first time Increasing opportunities for student midwives to experience midwifery practice in settings other than their host Trusts was also identified Increasing opportunities for student midwives to experience midwifery practice in settings other than their host Trusts was also identified
Practice Learning ractice learning was generally of a good standards Practice learning was generally of a good standards Occasional difficulties were seen in providing consistent mentor support Occasional difficulties were seen in providing consistent mentor support A small number of mentors felt that the mentorship preparation programme did not prepare them adequately for deal with difficulties A small number of mentors felt that the mentorship preparation programme did not prepare them adequately for deal with difficulties Link lecturer systems continue to develop Link lecturer systems continue to develop Continued development of audit processes was identified as an issue for action Continued development of audit processes was identified as an issue for action A sample of practice placement audits across nursing and midwifery settings were observed
Partnership working between Service & Education Providers Programmes involve 50% practice and 50% theory with service and education programme providers involved in joint provision Programmes involve 50% practice and 50% theory with service and education programme providers involved in joint provision Partnership working continues to evolve Partnership working continues to evolve Co-ownership by service and education programme providers continues to provide challenge Co-ownership by service and education programme providers continues to provide challenge Difficulties were noted regarding consistent service input to curriculum development and quality enhancement processes due to work pressures Difficulties were noted regarding consistent service input to curriculum development and quality enhancement processes due to work pressures
Conclusion Overall the findings are highly positive although a number of areas for enhancement have been identified Areas for discussion could include: How to enhance partnership working and promote co-ownership? How placement audit systems could be improved? How to strengthen mentor systems and mentor competence? How to improve the decision making processes around competence at the point of registration?