SYNDICATE LEADER: COL SOMSAK ROONGSITA, THAILAND ASSISTANT LEADER : COL MARK WHEELER, NEW ZEALAND DELEGATES Lt Gen Sophea Meas, Cambodia Lt Col Louis-alain Cornic, France Col Gurmit Singh, India Supdt Ritere Tautua, Kiribati Lt Col Frank Iavizara, Madagascar Capt (Naval) Alois Tom, PNG Lt Col Norman Oliver Febiar, Philippines Lt Col Teck Guan Tan, Singapore Col Richard Aubrey Fletcher, UK Mr Robert Bordner, USA Lt Col Aru Maralau, Vanuatu OBSERVERS Cdr Viliame Naupoto, Fiji Col Surendra Prasad, India Col Supakorn S N, Thailand Lt Col Sungkom Tamjadee, Thailand Dr Andrew Scobell, USA Lt Col Sim Sovanna, Cambodia RECORDERS Mr Dan Horne, USA Maj P S Joshi, India
FLOW Topic 1: Define the security environment in the coming decade Topic 2: Identify Impacts of Asymmetrical and Non-traditional threats on Armies Topic 3: Employing cooperation to address common security challenges Topic 4: Identify cooperative response options for future security challenges Summary Key Points REGIONAL COOPERATION IN A CHANGING SECURITY ENVIRONMENT
PAMS Region
“In regard the war on terrorism, nations should cooperate more … within the rule of law … and should address humanitarian issues” Kofi Annan, 9 Sep 2004
‘ASEAN Army Chiefs … agreed to increase intelligence sharing and improve coordination to form a unified response to combat complex security threats’ Jakarta Post, 7 Sep 2004
Security environment cyclic (Conventional / Asymmetric). Complex Op Environment. Asymmetric / non traditional threats enduring over next decade. Terrorism. Transnational crime. Failed or failing states. Pandemics. WMD Threat. Technological Changes. Threat of interstate conflict remains. 3 Block War / Cross Spectrum (Conventional, Peace Support, Humanitarian). All ops potentially high lethality. Unipolarity unchallenged in next decade. ‘Terrorism is only a tactic’. TOPIC 1 DEFINE THE SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IN THE COMING DECADE
Evolutionary change. No Army has given away capability, rather reprioritisation. Core combat focus retained. Increased emphasis on asymmetrical / non-traditional Increased resources for internal security. Increased multi agency (holistic) approach. Adaptive training, education and development. National interests are the determinant, therefore no template exists. Expeditionary versus Internal Security. TOPIC 2 IDENTIFY IMPACTS OF ASYMMETRICAL AND NON-TRADITIONAL THREATS ON ARMIES Continued
Trends Identified. Improved intelligence gathering and sharing. Resurgence of HUMINT. Increased PSYOPS focus. Increased Special Forces orientation. Quicker reaction times. Increased training for Complex Op Environment. Niche military skills in aid of civil authority. TOPIC 2 IDENTIFY IMPACTS OF ASYMMETRICAL AND NON-TRADITIONAL THREATS ON ARMIES
Cooperation versus Confidence Building Measures. PAMS unempowered and doesn’t reflect all sub regional interests. South Asia, SE Asia, NE Asia and Oceania. Global security can only be addressed through cooperation. Post 9/11, increased willingness to cooperate. Military cooperation reflective of political will. Cooperation must be to mutual advantage / endstate. Peace Support Ops a safe start point. UN sets standards, framework. Sub region is the focus for cooperation. TOPIC 3 EMPLOYING COOPERATION TO ADDRESS COMMON SECURITY CHALLENGES
Contribute to political awareness / options. In next decade coalitions will remain the preferred response to crises. –Analyse sub-regional capabilities. –Identify gaps. –Close gaps through force development. Multilateral options remain for long term cooperation. TOPIC 4 IDENTIFY COOPERATIVE RESPONSE OPTIONS FOR FUTURE SECURITY CHALLENGES
KEY FINDINGS Raise security awareness of political leadership. Sub region is the focus. Multi agency approach. Continuous revalidation of the purpose of PAMS. Need to progress from CBMs to cooperation.