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Economics is derived from a Greek word OIKO (house) & Nomos (to manage). Main concern in economics is resources are limited to satisfy unlimited human wants. 2
WHAT ABOUT ECONOMICS These basic necessities of life makes humans to earn for living. Economics is science of economics activities,it studies how man manages to satisfy his unlimited economic wants with the help of available limited resources. Economics is a progressive social science. 4
DEFINITIONS OF ECONOMICS Economics is a science of wealth (Adam Smith). Economics is a science of material welfare (Marshall). Economics is science of scarcity & choice(Robbins). 5
ECONOMICS IS A SCIENCE OF WEALTH Adam smith the forefather of classical economists wrote a book in 1776 “An enquiry into the nature & causes of the wealth of nations” According to him : Economics is a science which studies the process of production, consumption, distribution & exchange of wealth. 6
ECONOMICS IS A SCIENCE OF WEALTH The focal point of his definition is : “ Economics is a science of wealth of country & its growth ” 7
CRITICAL EVALUATION In 19 th century the Economists like Ruskin, Carlyle & Mathew Arnold criticize his definition economics as “Bread & Butter science”;””Teach selfish & love of money”;”Dark & dismal science”. 8
CONCULUSION: All that happened because that term economics was interpreted in a very narrow sense( to mean riches & abundance of money) in broader term we can that wealth is mean to satisfy human wants. In his definition he gave primary importance to wealth & secondary to men. but wealth is for men,not men is for wealth. 9
ECONOMICS IS SCIENCE OF METRIAL WELFARE (MARSHALL) According to Marshall: “ Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life. it examines that part of individual & social action which is most closely concerned with the attainment & use of material requisites of well- being” 10
ECONOMICS IS SCIENCE OF METRIAL WELFARE (MARSHALL ) Main Features : 1. It’s a study of ordinary person living in a society.It’s not study of isolated individual 2. It studies only the economic aspect of human being & doesn't have any concern with any other aspect like religion, social & political. Strictly speaking,its relates to how the man earns his income & how he spend it. 3. It studies only material requisites of well-being or cause of material welfare. 4. It does not regard wealth as the be all & the all of economic activities.wealth is sought only for promoting human welfare. 11
CRITICAL EVALUATION: Narrow down the scope of economics: i. Exclude non-material things. ii. E.g. of lawyer, doctor engineer, singer & consultant. Relation sought between economic & welfare is wrong approach: i. Some activities are economic activities but are not welfare activities. ii. E.g. manufacturing & sale of intoxicants,such,as,cigars & alcoholic goods. 12
CRITICAL EVALUATION: Welfare is vague concept & can not be quantitatively measured: 13
ECONOMICS IS SCIENCE OF SCARCITY & CHOICES(ROBBINS) According to the book “Nature & Significance Of Economic Science” publish in “ Economics is science which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends & scare means which have alternative uses ” 14
ECONOMICS IS SCIENCE OF SCARCITY & CHOICES(ROBBINS) Basic features of his definition: i. Human wants are unlimited. ii. Means are limited. iii. Wants are not equally distributed. iv. Means have alternative uses. 15
SCOPE OF EOCONOMICS Subject matter of economics. Economics is a science or as an art. Economics as a positive or normative science. Economics as social science. 16
SUBJECT MATTER OF ECONOMICS: The subject matter of economics is also not free from controversy. How ever today economists consider the subject matter of economics as: “ All those human being economic activities made for making choices among scare resources to allocate them for present & future aiming all maximizing the gain possible are the subject matter of economics ” 17
ECONOMICS AS SCIENCE It is science in the sense, it is a systematic knowledge derived from scientific study, observation & experiments based on scientific methods. 18
ECONOMICS AS AN ART Economics is an art too because an art is a system of rules for the attainment of given end. There are several branches of economics which provide practical guidance in the solution of economic problem. Its is a science in its methodology and an art in its application. 19
Positive & Normative Economics Positive economics tells us that what are the facts. For E.g I give charity (involve facts) Normative economics tells us that what should do. For E.g I should give charity(involve judgment) 20
Micro Or Macro Economics Micro Economics: The study of economic behavior of individual human beings & firms. Macro Economics: The study of whole economy. 21