Salford City Council – Think Efficiency Keith Darragh – Interim Deputy Director
Audit Commission – Value For Money Economy – cost of inputs Efficiency – efficient use of resources Effectiveness – outputs and outcomes
Salford City Council - Forward Planning Demand for services growing Focus on efficiency to be able to self fund budget pressures What did we do ?
Exercise Questions What have you done as businesses to be more efficient over the last two years ? Thinking about economy, efficiency and effectiveness what areas could we explore together across the sector to improve Value for Money
Salford City Council - Think Efficiency Think Efficiency Programme - Purpose “Striving for Excellence Through Efficiency”“Striving for Excellence Through Efficiency” oBalancing the books oService Improvements to citizens oChanging our organisation
Financial Targets 2009/10 and 2010/ /10 £8.3m on net budget of £213m 2010/11 rising to £13.6m on net budget of £218m Through………. Procurement / Management of Third Party Relationships Management Structures Consolidating common functions Rationalising Administration Workforce management Streamlining Customer access
Impact on Community, Health and Social Care 2009/10 Procurement – renegotiations of Supported Tenancy contract costs and Community Support rates (£400k) Management Structures (£200k) Consolidating Common Functions (in progress – HR, Finance, Strategy and Policy support - £250k +) Administration (£475k) Workforce Management (£250k) Customer Access / Customer Services (target £740k)
Value For Money Concentration on efficiency, but will always need to be in the context of economy and effectiveness Think Efficiency started as a programme, but for the medium term will be business as usual Successfully managed but not easy Best solutions are achieved by maintaining a dialogue and finding efficiencies together eg recruitment, transaction processes, quality standards and outcomes for Salford people