API Standard 6A718 Inclusion of Additional Alloy 718 Strength Classes – June Update Acceptance of alloy 718 at 140 ksi min yield strength Rashmi Bhavsar Global Materials Métier Manager Schlumberger June 2012
Agenda Background Inclusion of Corrosion testing
Inclusion of Additional Alloy 718 Strength Classes Background ksi - API Standard 6A718, 1 st and 2 nd Editions ksi - need for inclusion Heat treatment and microstructure discussed last meeting
Mechanical Properties
Inclusion of Additional Strength Level The 140 KSI grade cannot simply be added in this manner. It will require aging temperature to be changed from F to F for 140 grade. The yield strength range will be 140 to 150 ksi (the current spec limits the yield strength to 145 ksi max for 120 grade) 40HRc max remain for now (Future 43 HRc max – NACE approval will require)
Initial Ballots A Ballot in 1982 from various suppliers and Shell Development to change hardness to 40HRC max Hardness up to 45HRc and YS up to 165 ksi Most data were at 75 0 and F
Recent Testing 144 ksi actual yield strength at room temp – 100% stress level for six months Courtesy: Foroni Metals Testing also successful at extremely high H 2 S/CO 2 at 350 and 450 F – No cracks (30 days test) Courtesy : Schlumberger 500 Psi H 2 S, 500 psi CO 2, 25%NaCl at 500 o F
Validation Testing With 40 HRc Max per Current MR0175 – min 3 heats – Perform 90 days four point bent beam or c-ring Or Perform 30/90 days creviced bent beam or c-ring – Perform SSRT in duplicates for information and ranking – Test 140 and 150 ksi actual yield strength – Test environment NACE level 6 (500 psi H2S, 500 CO2 and 121,300 mg/l cl at ) 350F) Or H2S per NACE limits at 350F Approximate cost $90 to 100K
Feedback from Corrosion 2012 Supported the validation testing idea Testing required for Hydrogen Embrittlement – Recommendation for SSRT with hydrogen charging by Total or – perform alternate testing - Uniaxial notched tensile test with hydrogen charging Testing procedure information being collected. Higher temperature testing recommended
Corrosion Testing being Considered Test ksi(actual close to 150 ksi) along with ksi (actual 140 ksi ) Perform 90 days 3” C-ring in duplicate from 3 suppliers min. (possibly 5) H2S-500 psi, CO psi, Cl -180,000 ppm at 400F SSRT – the same environment Hydrogen embrittlement test – TBD Quotes from three labs to be collected
Future Testing Test alloy ksi with 43 HRc max hardness Testing to compare , 945X-140, 625Plus-140 H2S-500 psi, CO psi, Cl -139,000 ppm at 450F Data to be collected.