Alcohol Abuse
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Acupuncture Reduce anxiety, depression Alleviate tremors and fatigue Biofeedback Relieving symptoms of stress by relaxing muscles Monitoring physiologic systems Increase awareness of body’s stress
Motivational enhancement therapy Acknowledge that patient have a problem Guide the patient through stages Change patient’s behavior
Aversion therapy Pairing the drinking of alcohol with a strong aversive response Nausea or vomiting (medication) Without medication after repeated pairing
Cognitive behavior therapy Identify distorted thoughts and beliefs that arouse psychological stress View and cope with traumatic event differently Learn alternative beliefs about the events and the impacts they have on patient’s life Learn to develop a sense of mastery and control patient’s thoughts and feeling
Alcoholic abuse and foetal
Alter thyroid function in mother Brain damage Foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Thyroid hormone
Benefit Prevent heart disease Prevent myocardial infarction Prevent apoplexy Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Prevent osteoporosis
Drink Sensibly Men: Fewer than 3 – 4 units per day (21 units per week) Women: Fewer than 2 – 3 units per day (14 units per week)
Avoid alcohol before driving, operation machine, handling dangerous goods or vigorous exercise.