Peer Pressure and Mr. Bilbo Baggins SCED 341 Mr. J. Anderson 1
How teachers, coaches, group moderators get others to do specific things? Are there other ways to convince someone to do something? 2
Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of good and bad peer pressure by explaining an example of each. VSC standard: 3.A.6.a 3 Peer pressure example
Transition We just…. You did…. Next, we will…. Dr. Cole, Towson University 4
What is peer pressure? Peer pressure is the feeling that someone your own age is pushing you toward making a certain choice. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 5
There are different types of Peer Pressure! 6
Rejection Threatening to end a friendship or a relationship. This pressure can be hard to resist because nobody wants to lose friends. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 7
Put Downs Insulting or calling a person names to make them feel bad. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 8
Reasoning Telling a person reasons why they should try something or why it would be OK if they did. (Nobody said these were good reasons.) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 9
Unspoken Pressure This is something you feel without anyone saying anything to you. You feel unspoken pressure if you want to do the same things others doing. Some unspoken pressure tricks are: – The Huddle: A group of kids standing together in which everyone is talking and maybe looking at something you can't see, laughing and joking. – The Look: Kids who think they're cool give you a certain look that means we're cool and you're not. – The Example: A group of popular kids decide to get the same backpack and you want one too. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 10
Peer Pressure Can be Good or Bad BadGood Lying to authority figuresBeing honest Using illegal substancesAvoiding illegal substances Committing a crimeBeing an upstanding citizen Performing a dangerous activityEncouraging healthy activities National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 11
Purpose for Reading While reading look for examples of peer pressure that are used between characters. Please mark the examples of peer pressure that you find on your reading sheets. When you finish the readings go back and label the types of peer pressure you have found. The different types are: Rejection, Put Down, Reasoning and Unspoken 12
What should Bilbo Do? To Go – PositiveNot to go – Negative 13 Explain Tally Votes
The Right to Resist If someone is pressuring you to do anything that's not right or good for you, you have the right to resist. You have the right to say no, the right not to give a reason why, and the right to just walk away from a situation. 14 Right to resist National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism