Mathematics Subject Leader Miss Supple Maths is taught in a discreet daily lesson Oral / main/ plenary Oral / main/ plenary Lessons are differentiated to cater for all abilities Creative curriculum will give additional opportunities for mathematics It is important that maths is real!
We all use maths all day everyday! We look at the clock to tell the time before we get out of bed. We estimate how far it is to the floor! We know how many degrees to turn the tap so that we get enough water without getting soaked! We measure the cornflakes in our bowl so they don't spill over! Well you get the picture!
Maths Day – Solve that problem
Get them thinking!
Get them talking
Applying their knowledge
Maths is Fun!
Making mathematics real!
Christmas is coming!
Working to a budget Discussion Negotiation Calculations Amendments Agreement
All agreed – order processed
D Day!
Let’s get the party started!
By making maths real we… Developed Team work Developed speaking and listening skills Encouraged leadership skills Calculate – apply their mathematical knowledge Developed their mathematical skills In a real situation Raised economic awareness
4 Calculation areas Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
I did it like this (£3 x 10)-10p = £29.90 How did you do it?
29 x 10 = £29 + 9p x 10 = 90p £ p =£29.90
2.99 x 10 ________
4 Calculation areas Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division