Developing classroom resources for maths and science Workshop 1: The value of available resources
Refresh your memory Previous workshop Course: ICT resources for maths and science teachers What were the most valuable lessons from that course of workshops?
Experience Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. Auguste Rodin What is your experience of using maths/science resources? How has this experience changed most recently since you have attended these workshops?
Activity 1 : Audit Work in groups. 30 min Use resource analysis list. Make a list of all the resources for maths/science teaching that you have in your school (10 minutes). Describe how each resource is currently used (10 minutes).
Activity 2: Compare school resources Meet as a class. 30 min Compare school resources and how they are used. Explain how you use resources. Write new ideas in their resource list (15 minutes). How could the use of these resources be enhanced by the support of ICT? Note this in your resource list (15 minutes).
Activity 3: Focus on curriculum Work on your own. 30 min Identify a range of specific learning outcomes or assessment standards that you would ideally like to enhance with the support of ICT. List these learning outcomes in your resource list document.
Activity 4: Group and share Meet as small groups according to common interests. 30 min Discuss and record how you will use ICT to support or enhance teaching and learning for specific learning outcomes: Create resources for your teaching. Create resources for learners to use. Create lessons that include the use of ICT.