Characterization of Force Sensor for Haptic sensing in Robotic Surgery Submitted by: Harsimran Jit Singh Dinesh Pankaj Dr. Amod Kumar Prof. V.Rihani
HAPTICS: Haptics is the science of applying touch sensation by using special input/output devices and control with some computer applications, users can receive feedback from computer applications in the form of felt sensations in the hand or other parts of the body.
Robotic Surgery & Haptics In the context of Robotic Surgery, Haptics provides a force feedback from the robotic equipment to the surgeon. After implementing Haptics in the Robotic equipment, the force profile generated inside patients body will be replicated to the surgeon’s hand.
Importance of Force-Feedback significantly reduces the number of errors. helps in performing soft-tissue identification provides very effective method interaction between the surgeon and the robotic equipment. its an important secondary method of interaction other than visual interactions.
Characterization of a Sensor to be used in a force feedback device that can sense a one dimensional force profile being produced in a physical model. Approach Sensor used: METAL-FOIL STRAIN GAUGE
CIRCUIT EMPLOYED: Wheat stone in Quarter-Bridge configuration
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION: (Using bending equation) V o / V ex = [(1.5 GF*F*L)/(4*b*h^2)]*[ 1/( 1+(3*GF*F*L)/ (4*b*h^2))]
The sensor is characterized for force from 0-1KgF Slope of trend line is v/V/gF with Y-intercept at mv/V when normalized with respect to the excitation voltage. Standard error in voltage output is 3.75%. RESULTS & CONCLUSION
Discussion Based on repeatability achieved using this sensor module during our work, the presented sensor can be used in a Haptic force feedback system in proposed applications like robotic surgery with appropriate modifications. Further developments shall make this interactive interface system suitable for multi dimensional force measurement and hopefully provide a more precise sensation of realness that adds a step forward towards the development of a haptic virtual environment.