Hand Scanning for Entering the Building Hand scanning will keep intruders out and improve the security between the bank and their clients. This reliable security will promote more clientele.
What is a hand sensor? A hand sensor is a form of visual/spatial biometrics that calculates the blood flow and ridges in the skin. The hand sensor measures the size, shape, veins, and ridges in the hand. Around 90 measurements are taken (length, width, height, etc.) of your veins and the size of your hand.
Why hand sensor? The measurements can also scan your hand even if you have dryness, roughness, moisture, or scarring, which makes the biometric accuracy near 100%. This form of biometrics is very friendly to users because of its accuracy and system reliability. $330
Hand Print Success Story After the rape of a 12 year old girl, an examiner lifted a palm print from a glass table. Using biometric technology, the detective was able to match the hand print with one already found in the system. The King County Sheriff’s Office and Shoreline Police Department quickly arrested the suspect within a few days of the crime. He was charged with Rape First Degree and Burglary First Degree with Sexual Motivation.
Voice Recognition for Phone Servicing This will allow users to verify their account over the phone using their voices. If speaker claims to be a certain identity, the voice is used to verify its claim.
What is Voice Recognition? This uses the voice to determine the identity of the speaker Relies on features Physical structure of individual’s vocal tract Individual’s behavioral characteristics Different than “speech recognition” Recognizes words as they are said
Why Voice Recognition? Analyzes for hundreds of characteristics and compared to the voiceprint on file 99% accuracy Higher if speaker says a predetermined passphrase Telephone banking $1,000
Limitations to Voice Recognition Condition of customer Sick Quality of call
Success Story Banking firm introduced voice recognition to over 12 million customers earlier this year. They had customers choose an unusual passphrase that they wouldn’t normally say in everyday conversations. There has been no breaks in the system so far.
Psyching the System Ear Structure- Cutting someone’s ear off would psych the system, but it’s unrealistic. Photos could be used, but security cameras and name requirements will prevent this from happening. Voice Recognition- High tech recording devices could replicate a voice but adding a specific passphrase would help prevent theft.
Psyching the System Continued Hand & Fingerprint- Removal of the hand/finger would allow access. Also, using a special gel to capture fingerprints could break the system which is why Biome-No-Trics uses 2 finger print access. Vein scanning- There is no known way to beat the system in vein scanning. It tracks the blood flow in your hand. By cutting off the hand, you would eliminate the flow of blood and therefore eliminate your chance of breaking into the system.
Privacy Policy We know many of your financial institution is concerned about biometrics for a number of reasons: time, personal information, security and identity theft. Biome-No-Trics can assure you that all four devices will be tailored to you and only you in just 45 minutes. This includes setup, takedown, background information, and full security coverage. We can also promise you that this information will not leave Biome-No-Trics database as we have state-of-the-art computer enhanced biometric code scrambling to secure your investments. Our database is untraceable, unhackable, and delivers the ultimate in security. Also, we don’t submit these scans to police unless they provide a subpoena.
Works Cited Agnito. (nd). Voice ID. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: corp.com/resources/faqs/technology/how-accurate-voice-biometric-technology Biometrics Institute. (nd). Types of Biometrics. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: Dave Mosher. (2010). Wired. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: Elizabeth Weise. (2011). ScienceFair. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: reliable-998-of-the-time/1#.Ve2_K3nlvIU Federal Bureau of Investigation. (nd). Voice Recognition. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: excellence/modalities/voice-recognition Levoreader.(nd). Biometrics Explained. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: M2sys.(nd). M2-PalmVein™ – Secure palm vein scanner. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: Nuance. (nd). Voice Biometrics. [accessed 7 September 2015]. Retrieved from: