diverse INSPIRATIO N Measure your level of innovation culture with the ICAT resilient LEADERSHI P experimental SPACE agile PROCESSE S maternal HEART INNOVATION CULTURE ASSESSMENT TOOL (ICAT) How can you manage culture, if you don’t measure it?
The Innovation Culture Assessment Tool (ICAT) helps large companies to measure the status of the internal innovation culture…
Why would you want to measure company culture?
Business Performance Who benefits from Innovation Culture? And how? 1. WHAT DO OUR PEOPLE REALLY THINK? Take a pragmatic view when assessing company culture, using the five pillars of innovation culture from real-time employee feedback. 2. HOW SHOULD WE FIX THE ISSUES? Use data-driven research to explore, shape, prioritize, and implement concrete action plans for culture improvement. 3. DO OUR CULTURE PROJECTS WORK? Measure progress and the ROI of culture projects over time. Benchmark different (office) locations and business units. 3 reasons why you want to measure culture:
How does the Innovation Culture Assessment Tool (ICAT) measure culture?
3 diverse INSPIRATIO N resilient LEADERSHI P experimental SPACE agile PROCESSE S maternal HEART The ICAT measures and assesses the five pillars of company culture: inspiration, leadership, space, processes, and heart.
Fuelled by diversity and ample idea time, great inspiration comes from multiple sources. Open- mindedness and inclusivity allows teams to combine ideas, while harnessing their members’ unique talents, skills, and backgrounds to the highest degree. Building strong heartfelt connections with colleagues and customers allows employees to better engage with their work. Emphasising co- creation, team spirit, and positive pride, teams work for win-win situations by growing friendships and showing mutual care. Resilient and value-based leadership provides the message of direction and priority. Setting an example, with passion and future optimism, leaders build long-term commitment and trust, while encouraging boldness and working for delivery effectively. Agile processes, idea platforms, and reward schemes trigger the quality and pace of innovation. Transparent, flexible, client- centric, and result-oriented tools set clear targets, measure progress, define success, and allow for efficient collaboration. A creative and experimental workspace design offers a stimulating physical environment for fostering ideation and well-being. Tolerating developmental mess allows for quick proto-typing and the ability to learn from failure for optimum growth. diverse INSPIRATIO N resilient LEADERSHI P experimental SPACE agile PROCESSE S maternal HEART
WORLD CLASS Those special companies who have managed to move to a level where all components are operating with a resourcefulness that allows them to innovate again and again. PIONEER Companies who have overcome the rigidity of the corporate structure, but generally not across the board. They have some components that are operating well, but others that challenge their move forward. TRADITIONAL Companies whose past successes have led them to a positive level in terms of profits and size, but who face getting stuck due to the increasing rigidity of their structures. LAGGARD Companies that are slow to move forward in terms of innovation and growth, and who generally face the possibility of closure. The ICAT identifies four levels of Innovation Culture Renovatio n Culture Innovation Culture INNOVATION CULTURE SPEED LAGGARD TRADITIONAL PIONEER WORLD CL AS S INNOVATION CULTURE LEVEL
LAGGARD TRADITIONAL PIONEER WORLD CL AS S 2012 Avg. Speed (45) Example: INNOVATION CULTURE SPEED INNOVATION CULTURE LEVEL Avg. Speed (51) The overall Innovation Culture Speed increased by 13% diverse INSPIRATIO N resilient LEADERSHI P experimental SPACE agile PROCESSE S maternal HEART
What does a typical ICAT research project look like?
Typical Outline and Timeframe of an ICAT Research Project by Business Innovation Culture (BIC) WEEK 1 Preparation Research Client sends respondent address list and text for personal invitation mail out from CEO/MD. Design ICAT Survey Tool BIC prepares the ICAT survey for client and sends out invitation, including CEO/MD message to employee base. Employee receives invitation from CEO/MD Employees are given a deadline for filling out the online survey. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. WEEK 2WEEK 4WEEK 3WEEK 6 Gather data When the respondent quota is reached, BIC pulls the data for assessment. A kind reminder! BIC sends a kind reminder to everyone who has not yet filled out the survey. Colourful Report BIC delivers a report on the data, with the results and conclusions. The report sets the perfect foundation for setting targets and objectives for improvement! Research Analysis BIC’s analysts translate the responses into an overall ‘Innovation Culture speed’. STARTEND
Business Performance Who benefits from Innovation Culture? And how? and Leaders? “Over the last few years we have been working on driving an innovative culture inside Nestle Singapore. In this process I have been searching for external help to find a meaningful way to measure the progress of this journey. We have finally found a company that has been able to help us out in this challenge. With the ICAT, Business Innovation Culture has a very effective and pragmatic way of assessing our results.” Valerio Nannini Managing Director, Nestle Singapore What do employees say about the ICAT Survey? “This survey benefits the company and staff in our daily progression, preparing us to adapt to the changing environment.” “A great opportunity to state my view on the culture, instead of the boring engagement surveys that never results in anything really new anyway!” “I really hope the results will be shared with the business head, and that some changes actually take place as a result of this that make significant improvements to the way things are done.” “Its good to make all staff take this survey now to see where the entire company is and later to see how the change initiatives have worked to encourage an innovative working culture.” “I like the engaging tone of the ICAT questionnaire, it’s actually interesting to fill out.” FEEDBA CK
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