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Kinect v2 Sensor Overview Demo: Kinect Evolution (Kinect Data Sources) Helpful Resources Agenda
Wider field of view (horizontally and vertically) for depth and color 3x depth fidelity 1080p, HD color camera (30fps) Lighting independent IR (30 fps) Improved microphones (zero balanced) 25 skeletal joints for six people -> Bio correct skeletal joints (particularly hips/shoulders/spine) plus more points and rotations Thumb tracking, end of hand tracking, Open/Closed Improved range ->.5M near, 4.5M far (extended depth to 8M) Kinect v2 Sensor Features
Image: iFixit, Sensor Components Power Light RGB Camera IR Emitters Depth Sensor Microphone Array
Kinect Resources K4W v2 SDK -> Kinect Common Bridge -> Cinder -> openFrameworks -> Creative Coding Setup -> Metrilus Finger Tracking -> SDK & Libraries 7 Hours of Deep Content -> VGB Deep Dive -> Windows Store oF -> Developer Forums -> Tutorials, Content, Support Forum Purchase Sensor -> General Info & Blog -> Events, Sensors, We want your feedback and pull requests! Thank You! Adapter now available! (Use your Xbox One sensor)