This tutorial will assist you in creating graphs from downloadable excel files
Excel data sheets that can be opened and downloaded when clicked Features in the right hand column
How to make a graphic representation of data This is the climate data from the church. The columns contain the data for a specific sensor
How to make a graphic representation of data This is the climate data from the church. The rows contain data for a specific date and time
How to make a graphic representation of data This is the climate data from the church. T is temperature data in °C
How to make a graphic representation of data This is the climate data from the church. RH is relative humidity data in %
How to make a graphic representation of data Select the data you want to represent in a graph...
How to make a graphic representation of data Select the chart wizard in the tool bar
How to make a graphic representation of data... or from the main menu
How to make a graphic representation of data This window will appear. Now you can select a chart type - e.g. XY (scatter)
This window will appear. How to make a graphic representation of data And select an option, e.g. ‘smoothed lines’ Press next
This window will appear. How to make a graphic representation of data Press next
... and you will see this window. How to make a graphic representation of data You can set a few details, but you may also proceed Press next
... and you will see this window. How to make a graphic representation of data Press finish You can choose to have the graph appear on a new sheet or as an object in the existing excel sheet
How to make a graphic representation of data... the graph will be displayed.
End of this tutorial