Title of Book: To be a Slave Author: Julius Lester Name: Keith K Class Period: 5 adv
Context Clues WordSentenceCorrect Dictionary Definition Institution The institution of slavery had no redeeming virtues for the enslaved. Any established law,custom,ect Labor A lick of labor and … a red penny.Productive activity especially for the sake of economic gain Virtues The institution of slavery had no redeeming virtues for the enslaved. A good admirable quality or property Breeding Some slave owners were in the business of breeding slaves to be sold. The producing of offspring Piazza In this opening stood a house … it was two stories high with a piazza in front. A large porch on a house
Text Purpose I believe the author wrote this book to explain the injustices of slavery.Page 38 is a great example of this because he explains what a red penny and how it was the money a man got from a slaves work.
Text Structure The author wrote this book by showing the reader a story from a slave but before or after that explains any thing that needs more attention or clearing up. He also chose stories that will make you think you are right there with the slave.
Text Representation
Author’s Perspective/Point of View SubjectAuthor’s Feelings Text Evidence The subject of To be a Slave is slavery and the hardships that befell upon a slave. The author when told about how his history ended in a bill of sale felt a loneliness that comes from not knowing his true name. As he did research however he was angered by the way slaves were depicted as happy people thankful for the grace of their masters. Lester is the name of the family that owned us. I was not angry that my family tree ended in a bill of sale (anger was not a safe emotion.)Rather, I was overwhelmed with a sense of loss. Besides my personal disappointment I was angered by Bodkins book.
Main Idea ParagraphsMain Idea Beginning-Page #28 The writer starts off by saying to be a slave then list examples that fill the reader with a sense of understandment and kid of belittlement. Middle-Page # The writer tells you how slaves perceived religion and how they questioned obeying their master was the only way to get to heaven. End-Page # The writer tells you how the slaves would, during the civil war, escape to the union thinking that they would become free. He then writes that Abraham Lincoln said to give back any runaways wanting to end slavery, but because so many came that the commanding officers used them as workers.
Supporting Details DetailsPage #Comments Described stereotype plantation 59 This was important to me because it let me know what not to picture I'm my head it also made me realize that my idea of a plantation was completely wrong. African people have a musical voice. 85 I had always wondered why they would use song as way of communicating. This answered my question. There was more than one type of slave. 89 I never would have thought that slaves did more than just farm work. It also surprised me to know that house slaves would help master by spying on field slave.
Draw Inferences What the Book SaysConclusions Drawn Situation: A white man asked his most trusted slave to lead other slaves to his brother to be auctioned off. Character Actions: listens and does not try to escape or let others escape. I predict that he will later regret his decision and that his fellow slaves will hate him. Situation: White father educates his black son against slavery. Character Feelings: The son is fears neither a white nor black man because he believes they are all equal From what I see I predict this man will be outspoken against slavery and made sure he was respected by all men.
Compare-Contrast Title: To be a Slave 1.Was about slavery in general. 2.Had a narrator 3.Was more focused on author 4.Was more focused on all aspects of slavery. 5.Talked about slave ships. Title: A Child of Slaves 1.About a single person 2.Did not mention house slaves 3.Talked about devastation of civil war 4.Were attacked on plantation 5. did not say anything about cotton Both: 1.Talks about plantations 2.Crule masters 3.Tell about slavery 4.Talk about emancipation proclamation 5.Talks about civil war
Facts Page #Comments Man whipped over crying 33 It showed the how mean whites were to slaves Millions died on slave ships 22 To how bad slave conditions were on the ships A red penny is profit made from slavery 38 To explain what a red penny is Virginia was a slave breeding state 39 It showed how they were treated like animals A man named Nathan made $96,000 on slaves 43 It showed how profitable slavery could be
Opinions Page #Comments Slavery had no virtues 39 The author added that in because that was his opinion N-word always out smart white folks 121 This not a fact the person who said this is wrong because whites have out smarted blacks. Found the noise a living death 75 The writer wrote this to show that slaves did not like the over seers horn. It not a fact because a white guest found it pleasant White folks protect from harm 89 This is there because a slave observed that nothing bad happens to white folks When the masters house is referred to its called “Great House” 93 This is an example of how the white people made slaves feel inferior
Reading Response Weighing time for slaves.page 71, I relate because I felt the same worried fear when someone asks me a question.the way the owners scare there slaves is in human and unthoghtful Q-what would owners do if the slaves were only 1lb off. Slaves would resisted by playing dumb.Page 83, I relate because when my mom tells me to do something I act like I don’t hear. I only do this though because I feel that what I’m watching … I mean doing was more important. I liked how the slaves were able to resist with what little resources he had.Q- I wonder what slaves would do to play dumb. The two headed snake.Page :0 ?, I relate to this because I have been in situations where I lose no matter what on this one occasion I had lied about a project due date to my mom so she would not get mad, but as the project came up I did not do it so I was stuck between my mom and a bad grade.Q- why did they not segregate indians like they did with Africans.