9 th Grade Religion Chapter 3 Judaism
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 Which religion traces its origins back to Abraham Judaism, Christianity and Islam
1,2 The Exodus is remembered every year in the Jewish feast of Passover
1,3 God can act through person who have great weakness and flaws story of David
1,4 Interpret events from God’s point of view prophet
2,1 the most significant happening of the Exile Hebrew Scripture
2,2 Festival of Lights Hanukkah
2,3 Anointed one Messiah
2,4 The solemn promise between God and the people Covenant
3,1 belief in many gods polytheism
3,2 belief that only one God exists monotheism
3,3 led the Israelites from slavery to freedom Moses
3,4 Passover meal Seder
4,1 cornerstone of Law given to Moses Ten Commandments
4,2 Solomon king built a beautiful Temple in Jerusalem
4,3 David king set up the capital of the nation of Israel at Jerusalem
4,4 central story of God’s saving love for Israel, recalling the Israelites’ freedom from slavery Exodus
5,1 called by God and promised countless descendants Abraham
5,2 Abraham’s wife Sarah
5,3 Abraham’s son Isaac
5,4 The name God gave to Jacob Israel