Kingdom Plantae By: Kevin Kaufman
Bryophyta Mosses Seedless Nonvascular Plants Grow close to ground, absorb water and nutrients directly from soil Rely on free-standing water for reproduction Sphagnum, Antitrichia curtipendula, Eurhynchium oreganum Most common nonvascular plants
Hepatophyta Liverworts Seedless Nonvascular Look like a lobe of liver flat on the ground Humid, damp habitat Spores Cololejeunea macounii, Pallavicinia lyellii, Porella platyphylla Commonly mistaken for a weed
Anthocerophyta Hornworts Seedless Nonvascular Plants Flat, lobed appearance similar to liverworts Tropical forests along streams Little green horns produce spores Ceratophyllum demersum, Ceratophyllum submersum
Lycophyta Club Mosses Lycophyta Seedless Nonvascular True leaves, roots, stems Granite outcroppings, bogs Spores Lycopodium, Selaginella, Isoetes Second largest Seedless Vascular group
Pterophyta Ferns Seedless Vascular Sporangia on underside of leaves, roots, stems Tropical, but many in temperate zones Spores, Sexual reproduction requires moisture Pleopeltis polypodioides, Phymatodes scolopendria, Thelyptris palustris Long dry periods dry fronds while rains quickly restore green color
Cycadophyta Cycads Cone-bearing Seed Plant Coralloid roots, girdling leaf traces Tropical and sub-tropical zones Pollination (dioecius plant) Cycas circinalis, Cycas pruinosa, Cycas revoluta Regarded as a living fossil
Ginkgophyta Ginkgos Cone-bearing Seed Plant Fan shaped leaves China is only known area to hold the ginkgos Pollen released then captured in pollen tubes Ginkgo biloba One living species
Coniferophyta Conifers Cone-bearing Seed Plant Needlelike leaves Mountainous regions Wind pollination Poplar, cedars, hemlocks Largest organisms on planet
Anthophyta Flowering Plants Flowering Seed Plant Seeds enclosed in fruit All over the world Flowers produce pollen which is transferred to other flowers of the same species Mangos, bananas, apples Largest phyla of plants