Medical Brigades Info Session November 20, 2011
Global Brigades is the world’s largest student-led global health and sustainable development organization. As a secular, international nonprofit organization, we mobilize student volunteers and professionals to empower communities in developing countries with programs that improve quality of life while respecting local culture and improving the environment. Between 2009 and 2010, more than 4,000 volunteers from over 100 GB university chapters in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Ireland traveled to provide health and economic development solutions to more than 50,000 beneficiaries through our teams in Panama and Honduras. ABOUT US ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN
Global Brigades focuses on countries where family members survive on less than $2 per day and where medical and economic needs are severely neglected and resources for basic services are low. Honduras and Panama were selected based on their high need for services in their rural areas, strong on-the ground partnerships for sustainability, accessibility to logistical needs, and safety. Through on-the ground full-time staff in Honduras and Panama, Global Brigades is able to work with communities to ensure sustainable work and perpetuate on-going services in-between brigades. WHERE WE WORK ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN
HONDURAS COMMUNITY STATS ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN As the second poorest country in the western hemisphere, Honduras’ people have very limited access to healthcare and basic resources. Many health issues are related to clean water access and public health infrastructure. Families also have limited access to any type of small loans. Average level of education is approximately 5 th grade Typically no doctors within a 20 mile radius 80% of the population have no access to a dentist 70% have no access to public sanitary services Typical families have less than 3 gallons of water per day to use Limited to no access to microfinance
Volunteers set up medical clinics in pre- identified communities to provide healthcare where access is limited. Each community receives a brigade every 3-4 months and between brigades the in- country team maintains relationships with the communities to provide follow-up and conducts community health worker trainings to empower local leaders to perpetuate a consistent level of healthcare. HOW MEDICAL HELPS ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN DENTAL MEDICAL PUBLIC HEALTH WATER ARCHITECTURE MICROFINANCE LAW ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS
HONDURAS & PANAMA TEAMS ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Global Brigades supports a full-time staff in-country to coordinate brigades and measure community impact. Each brigade will have a minimum of two dedicated team members throughout their time in Panama to ensure project success and to coordinate logistics. ¡Bienvenidos a Panamá y Honduras!
ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Communities are selected by an extensive study based on need, access to medicine, and health system infrastructure. Most communities are within only a few hours of student accommodations, so that daily travel for brigades is feasible and safe. Global Brigades only works in communities where we have been invited and have strong relationships with community leaders. SELECTING COMMUNITIES
MEDICAL BRIGADES ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Each brigade visits 2-3 communities to operate primary care clinics and provide health education workshops. The brigade spends 1-2 days in each community to allow for thorough health care. Medical Brigades recently incorporated the use of OpenMRS into its practices. Each medical brigade station will be equipped with a laptop and the OpenMRS software to enter patient information. The medical record is electronically transferred with the patient through the brigade stations. The records are ultimately stored for future patient visits and to monitor community health trends.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Volunteers record patient’s name, age, gender, community residence and date of visit into data informatics system.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Volunteers record patient’s vitals and chief complaints. Blood pressure and diabetes tests are taken for the elderly.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Doctors diagnose patients and prescribe appropriate medications while volunteers shadow throughout the process.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Dentists perform much need tooth extraction operations while volunteers assist and shadow.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Patients drop-off their prescription at the pharmacy to be filled.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up While their prescriptions are being filled, patients attend a public health workshop.
COMMUNITY VISIT ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN in-taketriageconsultationdental prescription drop-off education prescription pick-up Volunteers explain prescription instructions to patients.
CARE BETWEEN BRIGADES ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN To perpetuate a system for sustainable health in our communities, Global Brigades has created a new community health worker program. Through this separate month long summer program, volunteers will receive an intensive training to select CHWs in one of our communities, train them with our lesson plan and equip the CHWs with the medical resources to provide care to their community between brigades.
LODGING ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Volunteers have the opportunity to experience life in the village, living alongside the community in secured dwellings. All accommodations will be hosted in clean and safe facilities ranging from cabins, community schools, to camp sites. Lodging differs between the country selected. All accommodations are staffed with private chefs and 24 hours assistance. HONDURAS PANAMA Volunteers stay in dormitory-like facilities 1-3 hours away from the communities that will be receiving medical brigade assistance. The dormitory facilities have internet cafes and laundry services. (dormitory) (village living)
PROGRAM DONATION ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Program contribution: 7 day program Accommodations and meals (vegetarian options available) Clean drinking water Airport pick-up & drop-off Transportation to and from community Spanish translators and coordinators Program sustainability & follow-up between brigades $750 + Airfare $850 + Airfare
RESOURCES FOR YOU ABOUTLOCATIONBRIGADEFOLLOW-UPLODGINGDONATIONJOIN Fundraising Tool Send links of brigade project information to donors Create personalized profile to share with your donors Track donation progress on individual and group level Online Wiki Portal Brigade planning materials Collection of reports from past brigades Community profiles In-Country Student Advising Team Team of past club presidents in Honduras Share best practices for preparation and fundraising Answer questions about brigade and travel