Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Regional bodies represented AFRIMETSGULFMET APLMFMAGMET ASEANSADCMEL COOMETSIM EAMETSouth Pacific Island EMLMFWELMEC
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Terms of Reference Amendments to bring: Composition of the group -each regional body should appoint an official representative -Next meetings will be attended upon invitation -observers have to request for an invitation
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Terms of Reference Amendments to bring: Activities of the Round Table -consider the development of legal metrology cooperation in other/new Regions -investigate about special needs of the Regions -improving the relationship with donor bodies
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Presentations given AFRIMETSCOOMETSIM APLMFEMLMFWELMEC ASEANMAGMET Available on the OIML workgroups
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Conclusions It should be recognized that: the multiplicity of national requirements is a burden for Developing Countries, and that: the harmonization work carried out by the OIML consequently benefits to Developing Countries There is no need at the moment for a MoU
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Conclusions The BIML and Regional bodies are asked to provide information on sources of funds for metrology development projects The BIML shall collect and make available a list of training courses organized by the Regions The Worldwide Wine Trade Group shall be contacted to identify the barriers to trade met
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Conclusions The BIML shall make available results of the inquiry on the implementation of the OIML Recommendations sorted by Region All the members of regional bodies are invited to fill this inquiry Countries who do not have a login shall ask the BIML for a login so that they can fill the inquiry
Regional Bodies Meeting Mombasa, Kenya, October / 8 Conclusions Arising from the Millenium Development Goal Strategy, Developing Countries have prepared national development strategies. Members are asked to report whether metrology has been identified in their Countries' national development strategies.