Thesis/Dissertation Committees and Forms The Graduate College Outreach Program
Thesis/Dissertation Committees and Forms Program of Study Committee Approval Proposal Approval Candidacy Approval Dissertation Defense Final Submission Forms Processing
Location of Forms Thesis and Dissertation forms can be found at:
Program of Study Should be completed in the first or second semester Link If your program has a similar form that lays out the student’s program, please attach but use The Graduate College form as a cover sheet for signature sign-offs.
Committee Approval Should be completed early in the program, once committee members are identified. The Chair of the committee must be KSU Graduate Faculty associated with your program. You may have a co-chair that is not KSU. On a three member committee, two members must be KSU Graduate Faculty. On a five member committee, three members must be KSU Graduate Faculty. Link
Proposal Approval Should be completed as soon as the dissertation or thesis proposal has been approved. Link If proposal is not approved do not send to The Graduate College. We will only record when the proposal is approved and the student is moving forward. Helpful if form is typed (fillable pdf) so that we can read the title of the proposal.
Candidacy Approval Should be completed after comprehensive exams have been passed. If you do not use a comprehensive exam, mark the appropriate box. Link
Dissertation Defense Should be completed after the dissertation or thesis has been successfully defended. Link Dissertation defense should be scheduled early in the planned graduation semester to allow adequate time for revisions and final submission.
Final Submission Should be completed when the final version of the dissertation or thesis is ready to be submitted for publication in the Digital Commons. Link Similar to form Digital Commons requires. When they move online we will use the from Digital Commons that the final version has been posted as the “final submission” trigger.
Forms Processing Please follow signature routing on each form. Final stop is The Graduate College – David handles forms on behalf of TGC. If TGC receives forms that lack signatures they will be routed back for explanation, thus delaying student progress. Please make sure you have timely processes in place to not unnecessarily halt student progress towards degree completion.
Questions Main Graduate College contact is David Baugher. or Website for forms: