Habitat Benthic Dwellers Sandy bottom beaches Have been found from 0 m up to 435 m
DIET & FEEDING Moon Snails are carnivorous mollusks who feed on clams, oysters and even smaller specimen of its own species Moon snails use their foot to envelop their prey entirely Once encased in the moon snails foot, the moon snail extends its radula and begins drilling a hole into the shell of its prey. Simultaneously it excretes an enzyme which softens the shell. Once the radula has broken through the shell the moon snail secrets an enzyme which paralyzes the prey and allows the moon snail to suck it’s prey from the shell
REPRODUCTION Moon snails reproduce sexually Female moon snails hold the fertilized eggs inside the protection of her shell until she burrows into the sand to build a sand collar A sand collar is a hardened protective capsule made of sand and mucus secreted by the mother. The eggs are attached to the underside of the collar. Once complete the mother leaves the sand collar
REPRODUCTION Moon snail larvae stay in sand collar until they have developed into veliger larvae Veliger larvae leave the sand collar and become plankton dwellers to begin feeding on phytoplankton for about 4-5 weeks During those weeks they develop a shell and begin finding a place to settle and begin life as an adult Average life span in 2-7 years
PREDATORS / HUMAN IMPACTS Gulls are their only natural predator Larger species are sold as food in Asian markets as well as in Norway Pollution in the water has decreased quality and quantity of food sources Over collection of live shells as well as empty shells which are later inhabited by hermit crabs
CITATION ( predators) / (scientific paper) 880/ and_genetics (facts) and_genetics “Underwater World” By: Giorgio Gabbi