Sleep What is sleep? - absence of behavior - a special type of behavior
Alpha hz Beta hz Theta hz Delta - < 3.5 hz Sleep Spindles hz K complex - sharp slow wave forms
Sleep Adaptive Response - stay alive if you hide at night - save energy other times Restorative Process - repair - cool
Sleep - Structures -reticular formation - stimulate = arousal -basal forebrain - -Raphe Nuclei - 5-HT - stim causes arosal -Pons - big player in REM
REM Sleep Why? - Memories consolidated, useless info flushed -Modifies neural circuits (take them offline) -(children sleep a lot)
Sleep Disorders Insomnia vs. Hypersomnia Sleep Apnea - stop breathing (SIDS?) Myoclonus - muscle jerks (restless legs) Narcolepsy - in appropriate sleep Cataplexy - lose muscle control Sleep paralysis - REM without atonia - act out dreams Slow wave Sleep (not dreaming) - bed wetting, sleep walking, night terrors,