Narcolepsy By: Emeline Vinkenes and Sunniva Kruse Johannesen
What is Narcolepsy? A chronic sleeping disorder Hard to stay awake for longer periods of time Sudden attacks of sleep Can fall a sleep under any circumstances
Symptoms Excessive daytime sleeping Sudden loss of muscle tone Sleeping paralysis Hallucinations Low levels of Hypocretin/Orexin
Causes Not exact known Genetics Infections Sleeping pattern – NREM + REM Hypocretin level H1N1 vaccination
Statistics Most common age of diagnostics is years. Affect 0.05% of the population world wide
Treatments and drugs No cure Stimulates: - Modafilin - Methylphenidate Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: - Fluoxetine - Venlafaxine Tricyclic antidepressants: - Protriptyline - Imipramine - Clomipramine Sodium oxybate (Xyrem)
Daily life Recommendations: - Naps during the day - Exercise - No nicotine and alcohol - Consistent sleeping schedule Complications: - Public misunderstanding - Feelings and relationships - Physical harm - Obesity
Sources y/DS y/DS h1n1_narcolepsy_pandemrix.html h1n1_narcolepsy_pandemrix.html narcolepsy/who-does-it-affect narcolepsy/who-does-it-affect disorders/narcolepsy/treatment disorders/narcolepsy/treatment