By Emma
Where Marine Iguanas live Marine Iguanas live on the Galapagos islands along with many other species. They were from South America but they either floated on seaweed or got blown there. The few that did survive bred and made more.
Marine Iguanas used to eat plants and leaves when they lived in South America. They could not find food on the Galapagos so they learnt how to swim. Because of the long amount of time they can hold their breath for, they swam down to the bottom of the sea and ate seaweed off the rocks. They didn’t eat any meat – They are vegetarians.
Because marine Iguanas are cold blooded, they have to lie on rocks to warm up.
They have gone from red to black to absorb all the sunlight. This is to do with them being cold blooded. It has a flat snout so it can press it up against rocks when eating seaweed