Get out your notebooks! You will be able to simplify imaginary numbers. Today’s Objectives:
Warm Up
4.4 Imaginary Numbers
Imaginary Numbers Just like every other issue we’ve run into so far, we just introduce a new set of numbers that follow all of the same rules. We call these numbers … IMAGINARY NUMBERS because they cannot physically exist. They can be used to model things such as electricity, so they are still very useful.
Square Roots
Simplifying Square Roots
Square Root Review Simplify the following square roots.
Imaginary Numbers
Simplify the following square roots.
You Try These!!!
Ticket Out The Door Take a 3x5 Card and write your name on it. Simplify the following square roots.
HOMEWORK Lesson 4.4 Pg. 250 #’s 1-2, 18-21