1.Understand that addressing cross- cutting issues such as gender and protection systematically will make results more effective and efficient. 2. Share experience from the field, in addressing gender and protection issues in Humanitarian contexts. 3.What gender and protection analysis might look like in a food security context 2 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION L EARNING O BJECTIVES General Humanitarian Knowledge
Why is this subject covered? As cluster staff we need to understand what cross-cutting issues are (gender; protection; HIV and AIDS; psychosocial health; age; environment; etc.) and how they relate to our work. The emphasis is being placed on the importance to mainstream gender and protection in food security interventions. How does this relate to my day to day tasks? Food security assessment, analysis and options, programme design, and monitoring, evaluation and reporting need to take into account gender and related protection aspects 3 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION R ELEVANCE General Humanitarian Knowledge
Humanitarian interventions that contribute to women, girls, men and boys’: Safety Dignity Integrity Humanitarian principles (some) Neutrality Impartiality Independence 4 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION K EY CONCEPTS General Humanitarian Knowledge
Analyse differences related to sex, age, ethnicity, religion etc Address gender based violence Remember differences in needs of host communities, IDPs, refugees, minority groups, etc Analyse land and other assets ownership patterns, HIV and AIDS, socio-cultural contexts, conflict situations 5 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION K EY ACTIONS General Humanitarian Knowledge
Design services that meet the needs of all Ensure access for all Ensure equal Participation Collect, analyse, use and report programming monitoring data Target actions based on the analysis Collectively coordinate actions 6 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION K EY ACTIONS General Humanitarian Knowledge
Objectives: Identify how to address specific gender and protection issues when assessing food security. Identify how each risk affects individuals /groups /communities, in terms of food security. Organisation: 4 groups (context analysis, food availability, access and utilization) 1 rapporteur /group 30 minute for group work 5 minutes feedback / group (bullet points on paper) 7 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION G ROUP EXERCISE General Humanitarian Knowledge
Gender and protection analysis highlights who is affected, why, and how the “who” is affected differently Gender: Emergencies have different impacts on women, girls, boys and men and often change households’ dynamics 8 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION P ROTECTION AND GENDER General Humanitarian Knowledge
Protection: Host communities, IDPs, refugees, minority groups, etc. have different needs, capabilities and constraints Protection: Land and assets ownership patterns, HIV and AIDS, socio-cultural contexts, conflict situations require specific responses 9 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION P ROTECTION AND GENDER General Humanitarian Knowledge
Your role as CCs and IMO is to build strong networks that allow us to systematically assess, implement, monitor, evaluate and report on activities also from a gender and protection perspective You are not alone As humanitarian actors we need to take a more holistic and mainstreaming approach to gender and protection issues so that we weave equality of access, results, accountability and impact into all of our interventions systematically. 10 C ROSS - CUTTING ISSUES SESSION P ROTECTION AND GENDER General Humanitarian Knowledge